Winter Semester 2013/14
Heat Centres EE1201
Building heat transfer calculations: indoor air temperatures and air changes, outdoor temperatures, conductivities of building materials, calculations thermal resistance factors, transmission losses through external surfaces, heat ventilation loss.
Balancing the energy demand for heating or cooling of buildings.
Determining the required radiator surface
Domestic hot water calculations
Calculations of the pressure drops in pipelines
Determining pumps, heat exchangers, regulating valves, safety valves and another equipment; the choice of appropriate equipment and pipe diameters.
Pressure drop calculations and pumps selection.
Computational schemes of the Heat Centres.
Presentation of the Heat Centers and heating systems in the drawings: diagrams, plans and coss-sections.
Class projects are closely connected with the lectures.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student has detailed knowledge of the fields of study K_W03
Student knows and uses computer tools to support the calculation and design of equipment and systems in environmental engineering K_W13
The student knows the standards, guidelines, principles of environmental engineering design objects and their components, and their consideration in engineering practice K_W14
Student is able to work individually and in a team, is able to estimate the necessary time of the task, can lead a small team to ensure execution of tasks in a given period K_U02
Students can prepare and give a presentation on the implementation of the project or research task, and lead a discussion about the showed presentation K_U04
Student is able to use the guidelines, standards and principles of design in order to select the appropriate processes and components to designed technological device or system as well as the unusual processes with the conceptually new methods K_U22
Students can interact and work in a group, taking into the group different roles K_K03
Student is able to think and act in a creative and enterprising way K_K06
Assessment criteria
Student learning outcomes in the lectures will be verified by a written test. According to Study Regulations BUT test that will be held on two dates (ie base and correction dates time) determined at the end of the semester. In the test the student will have to answer three questions, which will be assessed on a rating scale from 2 to 5. Rating for each question will depend on the completeness and correctness of student answer and will be determined according to the following scale:
The correctness of response. Appraisal
expressed as a percentage of a given response
from 90 to 100 % 5,0
from 80 to 90 % 4.5
from 70 to 80 % 4.0
from 60 to 70 % 3.5
from 50 to 60 % 3.0
less than 50 % 2,0
Conditions of the course design classes:
1 Compulsory attendance - in accordance with the Rules of Study at BUT.
2 Commissioning of completed projects substation and district heating.
3 Defence completed projects.
The evaluation will be subject to the following:
1 Completeness and accuracy of completed projects.
2 Knowledge acquired as part of the exercise - defence projects.
3 Active participation, involvement in exercises - at the end of the semester.
In assessing the completeness and correctness of each project the student will be able to receive a score of 2 to 5 this assessment will depend on the completeness and correctness of the implementation of the project and will be determined according to the following scale:
The correctness and completeness of the Appraisal
Project design
from 90 to 100 % 5,0
from 80 to 90 % 4.5
from 70 to 80 % 4.0
from 60 to 70 % 3.5
from 50 to 60 % 3.0
less than 50 % 2,0
1. Natka M. - Ogrzewnictwo i ciepłownictwo. Gliwice : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej 2006.
2. Foit H.- Indywidualne węzły cieplne. Gliwice : Wydaw. Politechniki Śląskiej, 2012.
3. Zaborowska E. - Zasady projektowania wodnych węzłów ciepłowniczych: Gdańsk : Wydaw.
Politechniki Gdańskiej, 2010.
4.Pieńkowski K., Krawczyk D., Tumel W.: Ogrzewnictwo. Politechnika Białostocka 1999r.
5 Rosiński M., Odzyskiwanie ciepła w wybranych technologiach inżynierii środowiska. Oficyna
Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2008
1. Recknagel H., Sprenger S., Schramek E.: Kompendium wiedzy. Ogrzewnictwo,klimatyzacja,
ciepła woda, chłodnictwo. Omni Scala2008
2.Chiras, Daniel D. The solar house:passive heating and cooling. White River Junction:
Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2002.