Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Physical basis of experimental studies DO1005
Course content:
Introduction:the development of experimental methods, the stress and strain as a second-order tensors
Study of the behavior of material undergone uniaxial loading: determination of stress-strain curve,physical phenomena underlying the determination of yield strength and Young's modulus.
Energy analysis of the behavior of the material loaded mechanically.
Localization of the plastic deformation and instability of this deformation. Considère's criterion.
The second law of thermodynamics as a basis of estimating the range of stability of plastic deformation.
Study of the behavior of the material at different strain rate:creep, quasistatic deformation, dynamic one and impact bar test.
Phenomena used in non-destructive testing methods: the basics of ultrasonic methods, eddy currents and non-contact measurement of temperature fields.
Learning outcomes:
The ability to use the laws of physics in solving problems of technology.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. "Metals Handbook" vol 8 - "Mechanical testing",
prepared. under direction ASM Handbook Commitee, Wyd.
American Society for Metals, 1985.
2. "Experimental Methods in Mechanics of Solids",
Ed. W. Szczepiński, IFTR PAS, Warsaw,1989.
b) supplementary references:
1. A. Oleś, "Experimental Methods in Physics of Solids"
Ed. WNT Warsaw,1998 (in Polish only).
2. W. Oliferuk, "IR Thermography in testing of
materials and structures" Ed. Gamma, Warsaw, 2008 (in
Polish only).
3. A. Lewińska-Romicka, " Nondestructive testing -
Basics of defectoscopy ",Ed. WNT, Warsaw, 2001 (in
Polish only).