Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2018/19
Summer Semester 2019/20
Winter Semester 2020/21
Summer Semester 2020/21
Summer Semester 2021/22
Summer Semester 2022/23
Heating Engineering D14700
The classification of heating systems. The calculation of heat losses. The classification of heat sources. The radiators - classification, the selection rules and testing methods, the requirements for units. The gravity and pump heating - system schemes, implementation rules, regulation and the amount of energy measuring.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
(in Polish) Wymagania
(in Polish) Założenia (prorekwizyty)
Course coordinators
Term 2013L: | Term 2017L: | Term 2016L: | Term 2012L: | Term 2019L: | Term 2015L: | Term 2014L: |
Learning outcomes
Student has an elementary knowledge about the materials used in central heating (pipes, radiators, insulation)
Student knows the rules of technical drawing for reading and writing data architectural data needed for the heating system design, as well as one knows the rules for making sanitary drawing using CAD.
Student knows the rules and law for determining the design heat losses, making heating system dedign and guidelines for the elements selection (radiators, pipes, valves, boilers).
Student is able to obtain information form the literature about different types of heaters, radiators, gravity and pump installation or knows how to measure the amount of thermal energy. Student can compare knowleage from lectures and literature, make their interpretation, go to the conclusions and formulate and justify own opinions.
Student is able to work individually and in a team during the laboratory course and can estimate the time needed for the study.
Student can make the heating installation design, prepare the technical description and explain the scope of the project.
Student can use the guidelines or standards for the the heating system design, discussing how to calculate the heat losses in the room and choose radiators and other system components.
Student is responsible for own work and can work in a team during radiators study, and takes responsibility for collaborative research.
Assessment criteria
lecture - written exam,
60-70% - 3
71-75% - 3,5
76-80% - 4
81-90% 4,5
91-100% - 5
laboratory class - evaluation of reports, tests; project - completion, presentation and discussion of the project
1. Pieńkowski K., Krawczyk D., Tumel W.: Ogrzewnictwo. Politechnika Białostocka 1999r.
2.Żukowski M. , Ogrzewanie podłogowe. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej. Białystok 2009
3.Recknagel H., Sprenger S., Schramek E.: Kompendium wiedzy. Ogrzewnictwo,klimatyzacja, ciepła woda, chłodnictwo. Omni Scala2008
4.Natka M. - Ogrzewnictwo i ciepłownictwo. Gliwice : Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej 2006.
5.KołodziejczykW.,PłuciennikM.: Wytyczne projektowania instalacji c.o.,Instal 2012.
6. Mizielińska K.,Gazowe i olejowe źródła ciepła małej mocy.Warszawa:Oficyna Wydaw. Politechniki Warszawskiej 2011.
7.Chiras,DanielD.Thesolarhouse:passive heating and cooling.White River Junction : Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2002.