Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2018/19
Summer Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2020/21
Fundamentals of heat transfer subject to selection IX. D14402A
Basic ways of heat transfer.The heat flux. Heat flux density. Fixed by heat conduction through the flat wall. Fixed by heat conduction through the cylindrical wall. Heat transfer in fluids. Convection. Temperature distribution. Newton's law. Thermal resistance. The heat transfer coefficient.
Number of similarities: Reynolds, Prandtl, Grashof, Nusselt. Heat transfer through the partition, and a multi-layer planar single. Heat transfer through the partition, and a multi-layered cylindrical one. The temperature distribution in heat exchangers single and multi-factorial: co-, counter-and cross. Heat transfer by radiation.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2013L: | Term 2017L: | Term 2016L: | Term 2019L: | Term 2015L: | Term 2014L: |
Learning outcomes
The student has theoretical knowledge covering issues of heat exchange in the basics of theoretical, computational techniques and measurement. The student has ordered theoretical knowledge covering issues of heat transfer engineering issues in environmental engineering. The student is able to formulate engineering problems in the field of heat transfer and resolve the issues calculation of heat transfer in environmental engineering. The student is able to select measurement tools and complete measurements of basic thermal parameters and equipment and technical systems. Student is able to use the scientific literature, the student understands the need for knowledge in the field of basic sciences to enhance the professional.
Assessment criteria
Student learning outcomes, in the context of lectures, will be verified by a written pass. According to Study Regulations PB grade will be held on two dates ie .: term base - the last class in the semester and term correction - during the examination session. As part of the completion the student will have to answer the questions that will be evaluated on a scale from 2 to 5 rating for each question will depend on the completeness and correctness of the reply according to the following scale:
The correctness of the answers Appraisal
expressed as a percentage of the response given
from 90 to 100% 5,0
from 80 to 90% 4.5
from 70 to 80% 4.0
from 60 to 70% 3.5
from 50 to 60% 3.0
less than 50% 2.0
The final grade credit lecture will be an evaluation depends on the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for each question according to the following scale
The arithmetic mean of the final rating
evaluation of the responses to include lectures
above 4.50 to 5.0
from 4.26 to 4.50 4.5
from 3.76 to 4.25 4.0
from 3.26 to 3.75 3.5
from 3.00 to 3.25 3.0
less than 3.0 2.0
exercise auditorium
Assessment Exercise:
1st Mandatory attendance - in accordance with the Rules of Study PB.
2 Written test - two per semester.
As part of the test the student will have to calculate a few questions that will be evaluated on a scale from 2 to 5 rating for each question will depend on the completeness and correctness of the reply according to the following scale:
The correctness of the answers Appraisal
expressed as a percentage of the response given
from 90 to 100% 5,0
from 80 to 90% 4.5
from 70 to 80% 4.0
from 60 to 70% 3.5
from 50 to 60% 3.0
less than 50% 2.0
The evaluation of the final test will be an evaluation depends on the arithmetic mean of the marks obtained for each question according to the following scale
The arithmetic mean of the final rating
evaluation of the responses to include lectures
above 4.50 to 5.0
from 4.26 to 4.50 4.5
from 3.76 to 4.25 4.0
from 3.26 to 3.75 3.5
from 3.00 to 3.25 3.0
less than 3.0 2.0
The final assessment of the exercises auditorium will be determined based on the weighted average of the two tests and the presence ćwiczenich:
1 Tests - Weight 0.85
2 Presence - weight 0.15
Final grade will be determined according to the following scale
Weighted Average Rating final
from 4.75 to 5.00 5.0
from 4.25 to 4.74 4.5
from 3.75 to 4.24 4.0
from 3.25 to 3.74 3.5
from 3.00 to 3.24 3.0
less than 3.0 2.0
The pass of the entire object is to get at least satisfactory ratings from the two forms of learning undertaken under this item.
Basic references:
1. Pieńkowski C.A.: Przepływ ciepła i wymienniki. Wydaw. Politechniki Białostockiej, Białystok, 2007.
2. Wiśniewski S., Wiśniewski T.S.: Wymiana ciepła. WNT, Warszawa, 2013.
3. Kostowski E.: Przepływ ciepła. Wydaw. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice, 2010.
4. Staniszewski B.: Wymiana ciepła: podstawy teoretyczne. PWN, Warszawa 1980.
Supplementary references:
1. Kostowski E. [i in.]: Zbiór zadań z przepływu ciepła. Wydaw. Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice, 2011.
2. Incropera F.P. [et al.]: Introduction to heat transfer. Wiley J., Hoboken, 2007.
3. Nellis G., Klein S.: Heat transfer. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009.
4. Cengel Y.A., Ghajar A.J.: Heat and mass transfer: fundamentals and applications. McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 2011.