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Winter Semester 2013/14
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Winter Semester 2021/22
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnics D13305
Structure and classification of soils according to PN-86/B-2480 and PN-EN ISO14688: 2006. Physical and chemical properties of soils, soil states. Water in soil: water flow in soil, influence of water on bulk density. Mechanical properties of soils: compressibility, shear strength. Bearing capacity and settlement of subsoil. Earth pressure. Slope stability. Retaining structure.
Term 2013Z:
Structure and classification of soils according to PN-86/B-2480 and PN-EN ISO14688: 2006. Physical and chemical properties of soils, soil states. Water in soil: water flow in soil, influence of water on bulk density. Mechanical properties of soils: compressibility, shear strength. Bearing capacity and settlement of subsoil. Earth pressure. Slope stability. Retaining structure. |
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
EK1 has elementary knowledge in range of geotechnics and soil mechanics K_W07
EK2 knows standards of soil classification K_W016
EK3 can evaluate and understand phenomena and processes in soil K_U22
EK4 can perform laboratory test of soil K_023, K_016
EK5 can acquire information from literature and other sources K_U02
EK6 can work individually and in group K_U03
Assessment criteria
Kolloquium- scale of assessment
3,0 51-60% points
3,5 61-70% points
4,0 71-80% points
4,5 81-90% points
5,0 91-100% points
Assessment based on:
- presence of student on min. 4 laboratory classes (in this classes 2-4)
- correct carrying out of test reports 2, 3, 5, 6
- correct carrying out of design,
- assessment of koloquium-min. 3,0 ; scale of assessment-as above
1. PN-88/B-04481Grunty budowlane. Badania próbek gruntu.2. PN-86/B-02480 Grunty budowlane. Określenia, symbole, podział i opis gruntów. 3. PN-EN ISO14688 Cz.1 i 2. Badania geotechniczne. Oznaczanie i klasyfikowanie gruntów. 4. Wiłun Z.: Zarys geotechniki. Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Łączności, Warszawa, 2000. 5. Pisarczyk S.: Mechanika gruntów. Oficyna Wyd. Pol. Warszawskiej, Warszawa, 2005.6. Pisarczyk S.: Gruntoznawstwo inżynierskie. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2001.
Term 2013Z:
a) basic references: |