Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Basis of technology of the road meterials ond of the road pavements B26302
Terminology. Characteristics of road construction. - 1h
Classification of road materials. The technical requirements for materials road - 2h
Natural stone materials - igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Technical features of the rocks. Road aggregates. Natural aggregates and aggregate production łamane.Technologia road. Mineral fillers. Artificial aggregates. -4h
Binder. History of binders in the construction industry. Types of bituminous binders. Production of bitumen. - 2h
The chemical composition of the asphalt. Construction of colloidal. Classification of bitumen. - 4 hours
Asphalt emulsions. Bitumen liquidated. Foamed bitumen. - 2h
Pavement foundations - tasks, types of foundations. - 2h
Soil stabilization with cement - materials, wymgania, design, test methods, technology - 2h
Foundation of lean concrete, cement concrete. - 1h
Characteristics of basic types of asphalt. -2h
Designing mineral mixture. Design asphalt binder content asphalt mixes. -3H
Bituminous mixtures - types, types, materials, test methods, technology. - 2h
Characteristics of basic types of cement concrete pavement. - 2h
Cement and mineral mixture - materials, test methods, technology-1h
Designing grain grits mixture mastyksowo-SMA by methods best grain boundary points. - 4 hours
The calculation of the optimum amount of asphalt binder by analytical methods. - 2h
Design of rigid pavement. - 4 hours
Design calculations przedmiarowania road works in the performance of pavement structures. - 5h
Laboratory activities:
Research modified asphalt binders: determination of viscosity, penetration, softening point. - 2h
Determination of grain warehouses selected road aggregates used in the mixes
asphalt SMA. - 2h
Study on asphalt mixtures mineral-SMA - designing mineral mixture, preparation weighed amounts of aggregates used for blending. - 2h
Performance of SMA mixtures of samples with different contents of compacted asphalt in the press gyratory. -2h
Determination of bulk density of SMA (two methods) and the density of the mixture SMA. - 2h
Determination of free space in the mix SMA, the optimum asphalt content. Weighed amounts of test. - 2h
Study on asphalt mixtures mineral-SMA - mark test by Schellenberg. Final compilation and analysis of test results. - 3h
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
• The student describes the technologies of road construction
• Student correctly characterized machinery and equipment in the construction of the road
• The student knows the patterns of technological performance of layers of road pavement structure
• The student is able to design pavement structures by methods catalog
Assessment criteria
Written exam consists of 4 questions. Questions are rated by the teacher on a scale 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0. Assessment is a necessary condition to obtain a minimum 3.0 assessment of each question. Final assessment: 3.0 (from 12 to 13 points.), 3.5 (from 13.5 to 14.5 points.), 4.0 (from 15 to 16 points), 4.5 (from 16.5 to 18pkt.), 5.0 (from 18.5 to 20 points). Assessment must pass without the use of materials and assistance, and without communicating with other people. Assessment takes about 60 minutes.
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
One knows the composition rules for the proper selection of asphalt mixes
2 Place the properly designed rigid pavement design method directory.
3 He knows the construction technology and base paving works in this respect.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the construction of pavement design methods directory under difficult conditions of soil and water. Knows basic technical layers of road pavement construction.
6 Place the grain properly adjust the curve of asphalt mixtures SMA.
7 He can design a rigid pavement design method in the specific directory soil and water conditions.
8 Lift the selected technologies pavement constructions under the particular conditions of soil and water
For a very good student (5.0):
Meets 9 points 1-8.
10 Can the construction of pavement design methods directory under difficult conditions, and soil and water properly apply additional layers of technology and geosynthetics.
11 Place explained in a very good degree of validity of the adoption of a fixed (calculated) asphalt binder content in the compound SMA. Can explain the desirability of the use of the adjusted amount of asphalt binder.
12 familiar with modern and "unusual" technologies paving the construction works and the basis of this connection.
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-8 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
Laboratory activities:
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
Can one make series MIXTURES weighed amounts of mineral based prescriptions of asphalt mixtures SMA.
2 It can determine the contents of the binder in the compound SMA weighed amounts of each series.
3 Place perform basic laboratory designation for asphalt, aggregates and asphalt mixes.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the grounds designed to provide the optimal composition of asphalt mixes.
6 Place interpreted (in a good degree) obtained for laboratory testing of asphalt, aggregates and asphalt mixes
For a very good student (5.0):
Meets 7 points 1-6.
8 Place in an advanced stage to interpret the results of testing for SMA mixtures and based on quality card set temperature asphalt mixture technology incorporation of SMA. It is estimated, which should correspond to the parameters analyzed SMA mix design built into the road surface, depending on the category of motion with respect to the results of laboratory tests.
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-6 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
a) basic references:
1. Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: „Nawierzchnie asfaltowe”, WKiŁ, Warszawa 2010.
2. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-2 - Nawierzchnie asfaltowe na drogach publicznych", Warszawa 2008
3. Gaweł I., Kalabińska M., Piłat J.: "Asfalty drogowe", WKiŁ, Warszawa 2001.
4. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-1 - Kruszywa MMA PU", Warszawa 2008.
5. Szydło A.: "Nawierzchnie drogowe z betonu cementowego", Kraków 2004.
b) supplementary references:
1. Kalabińska M., Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: "Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych",Warszawa 2003.
2. Błażejowski K., Styk S.: "Technologia warstw asfaltowych", WKiŁ, Warszawa 2004.
3. Lay M.G.: The handbook of road technology, 2009.