Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Road building engineering B04109_8
Historical background of road construction. 1h
Characteristics of pavement structure susceptible, semi-rigid, rigid. -1h
The materials used in road construction and technology of their production. -2h
Characteristics of earthworks. Land as building materials. Preparing the soil. -2h
Technology earthworks carried shovels. Compaction in sub-grade works. -2h
Technology of substructures. -2h
Aggregate and bituminous binders - production technology. 1h
Design of asphalt mixes and blends mineral-cement. -2h
Technology of road surfaces. Pavement reinforcement. -2h
Policy design of roads according to the method directory - 4h
Design rules for reinforcement of road surface by the method of deflections - 4h
Development of mineral mixture according to the method points to the best grain asphalt - 4h
Selection amount of binder in asphalt mixtures by analytical formulas - 3h
Laboratory activities:
Research binders-penetration, softening point by MC, viscosity. -2h
Research stone materials - the composition of aggregate size distribution, particle content shapeless, the rate of sand, foreign impurities. -2h
Prepare ingredients to produce samples of asphalt mixes. 1h
Design samples of asphalt mixes in Marshall compactor -1h
The study concentrated bulk density samples from the asphalt. Determining the density of asphalt. -2h
Determining the optimum asphalt content of the mineral-asphalt mixis.-2h
Type of soil samples for testing cement stabilized optimize the amount of cement to stabilized -1h
Determination of compressive strength of cement stabilized soil samples 1h
Determination of the optimum percentage of cement for soil stabilization. Development of the final results -3h
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
(in Polish) Założenia (prorekwizyty)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
•Student identifies problems associated with road construction
•Student identifies machinery and equipment in the construction of the Road
•Students draw a flow diagram of the manufacturing process of road materials
•The student knows the basic design of asphalt mixes
•Student is able to perform basic laboratory testing of road materials
Assessment criteria
Lecture is to solve 10 questions in the test. Each question is scored by the teacher on a scale of 0-1. A necessary condition to obtain credit lectures minimal number of points - 6 Final assessment: 3,0 - 6 points., 3.5 - 7 points., 4.0 - 8 points, 4.5 - 9 points.), 5.0 10 points.
Assessment must pass without the use of materials and assistance, and without communicating with other people. Assessment takes about 30 minutes.
Exercise Design:
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
One calculates correctly traffic category in the reference period.
2 Place the properly designed pavement design method is able to determine the sheet and strengthen the deflection method.
3 He knows the rules for proper selection of the composition of the asphalt mix.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the construction of pavement design methods directory under difficult conditions of soil and water. Knows basic technical layers of road pavement construction.
6 It can strengthen the road surface design using middleware.
7 Place the properly adjust the grading curve of asphalt mixes.
For a very good student (5.0):
Meets 8 points 1-7.
9 Can the construction of pavement design methods directory under difficult conditions, and soil and water properly applied additional layers of filtration and valve.
10 It can strengthen the road surface design using middleware package including a minimum of asphalt layers.
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-7 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
He can do one weighed sample of mineral mixture based on the composition of the mineral aggregate asphalt mixes.
2 It can take a minimum asphalt content in asphalt mixtures.
3 Place perform basic laboratory designation for asphalt, aggregates and asphalt mixes.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the grounds designed to provide the optimal composition of asphalt mixes.
6 Place interpreted (in a good degree) obtained for laboratory testing of asphalt, aggregates and asphalt mixes
For a very good student (5.0):
Meets 7 points 1-6.
8 Place correctly interpret the results of studies carried out for the asphalt mix and knows the incorporation of technology in the construction of MMA road surface. It is estimated, which should correspond to the parameters bituminous mixtures embedded in pavement construction for the results of laboratory tests (designed asphalt mix).
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-6 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
a) basic references:
1.Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: Nawierzchnie asfaltowe; WKiŁ, Warszawa 2010.
2.Kalabińska M., Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: "Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych",Warszawa 2003.
3.Rozporządzenie z dnia 3 marca 1999r. MTiGM, DU nr 43 RP z dnia 14 maja 1999r.
4.Datka St. Lenczewski St.: "Drogowe roboty ziemne", WKiŁ, Warszawa 1980.
5.Bracha I.: " Maszyny budowlane", Arkady, Warszawa, 1981.
6.Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-2 - Nawierzchnie asfaltowe na drogach publicznych",Warszawa 2010.
7.Normy i wytyczne dotyczące badań materiałów drogowych.
b) supplementary references:
1. Gaweł I., Kalabińska M., Piłat J.: "Asfalty drogowe", WKiŁ, Warszawa 2001.
2.Lay M.G.: The handbook of road technology, 2009.