Winter Semester 2007/08
Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Visual Arts 3 - Sculpture AW3069
A two-stage reflections on issue and the importance of solid proportions. Realistic study of nature. Maximum capture the characteristics of the model. Synthesis of the subject based on the material, leaving a single component. Demonstrating the importance of detail as an element of scaling and defining.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
(in Polish) Założenia (prorekwizyty)
Course coordinators
Term 2010Z: | Term 2012Z: | Term 2011Z: |
Learning outcomes
A student:
- has a basic knowledge of human anatomy and objects of its surroundings
- uses sculptural technique by adding
- develops according to the proportion and character objects from nature
- shows a simulation of formed object in the reduced and magnified situation
- presents the conclusions of a task graphically
- prepare an oral brief presentation
Assessment criteria
The pass mark:
- a student achieves mentioned above effects of the course
The good mark:
- a student meets the criteria for the pass mark and represents innovative sought in solutions
The very good mark:
- a student meets the criteria for the good mark and efficiently uses workshop techniques
- a student finds relationship between sculpture and design process and make appropriate conclusions
Methods of verification:
conversation with the teacher, the realization of the object, preparation of photomontage, preparation of the board with a presentation of the effects of job
Core literature:
E. Gombrich, Sztuka i złudzenie, PIW, 1981;
St. Kościelecki, Problemy formy i wyobraźni plastycznej, 1980;
Ch. Norberg – Shulc, Bycie, przestrzeń i architektura, 1971, wyd. polskie 1999;
S. E. Rasmussen, Odczuwanie architektury, 1962, wyd. polskie 1999;
opracowania albumowe dotyczące architektury i rzeźby.
Additional literature:
Anatomy for artists