Summer Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2010/11
Landscape architecture planing with design II AK5026
Course content:
1. Some introductory information. Designing of objects in landscape architecture as a creative process. Stages of designing work.
2. The rules for designing adjoning gardens. Positive and negative examples of design solutions.
3. The rulesfor designing public areas. Positive and negative examples of modern design solutions.
4. The rules of designing and implementing plants for decorative purposes within some objects in landscape architecture.
5. Some creative ideas used in public and private buildings - examples of design solutions with and without vegetation.
6. The rules for designing some chosen objects of small architecture, including: ways, paths, squares,curbs and edges of garden surfaces, fences, lighting, garden benches, structures for creepers and roofing, garden ornaments.
Learning outcomes:The knowledge of the rules for designing some chosen objects of landscape architecture.
Course coordinators
Term 2010L: | Term 2010Z: |
a) basic references:
Brooks J. 2004. Projektowanie ogrodów. Wydaw. Wiedza i Życie, Warszawa.
Neufert E.2008. Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego. Wydaw. Arkady, Warszawa.
Niemirski W. i wsp. 1973. Kształtowanie terenów zieleni. Wydaw. Arkady, Warszawa.
Pokorski J., Siwiec A. 1998. Kształtowanie terenów zieleni. WSiP, Warszawa.
b) supplementary references:
Ogrody. Miesięcznik. Wydaw. Agora, Warszawa.
Plessner H. 1992. Bądź architektem swojego ogródka. Wydaw. Arkady, Warszawa.
Williams R. 2000. The garden designer. Wydaw. Arkady, Warszawa.
Zieleń Miejska. Miesięcznik. Wydaw. Abrys, Poznań.