Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Plant cover; Decorative and cultivated plants AK4011
Course content: Significanco of decotative and cultivated plants in human life. Origin centers of cultivated plants. Functions of vegetation. Decorative value of plants. Main plant groups used in landscape architecture. Habitat conditions influencing the growth and development of plants. Plants for seasonal flower beds. Annual; plants, perennial plants - alliums and tuberous plants spending winter in soil - appearance and requirementsw, usage.
Learning outcomes:This subject will acquire students with plants growing in parks and garden. Stedents will acquire with most important functional plants.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Gadomska i inni. 2004. Rośliny ozdobne w architekturze krajobrazu. Wyd. Hortpress. Warszawa
Startek L., Mynett K. 2003. Rośliny ozdobne. Wyd. Hortpress. Warszawa
Marcinkiewicz J. 1991. Byliny.ogrodowe. PWRiL. Warszawa
Kingsbury N. 2007. Projektowanie rabat. Wyd. Muza SA. Warszawa.
b) supplementary references:
Chojnowski M., Chojnowska E. 2007. Najpiękniejsze kwiaty letnie. Oficyna Wyd. MULTICO. Warszawa
Radziul E.2009. Ogrodowe pasje. Wyd. ZYSK i S-KA. Poznań
Bensley P. 2007. Rośliny pnące. Bauer-Weltbild Media Sp.z.o.o. Warszawa