Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Physiography I (geology and geomorphology) AK1005
Course content:The structure of the Earth and internal forces. The physical and chemical proprieties of minerals, and rocks. External factors. Weathering. Slope processes. Glaciers. Activity of the melt-out waters. The landscape of front moraines. The relief originated in result of areal melt-out of ice-sheet. Aeolian landforms. The fluvial processes, river valley and the terraces. The genetic and biological types of the lakes, the lacustrine deposits. Geology and geomorphology of Poland. Physical-chemical properties of grounds. Plant landscapes of Poland. Natural functioning of landscape. Relationships between the elements of the natural environment, processes and natural phenomena and forms of the land management. Types of the natural landscape of Poland. The source of information about the terrain - the topographical map. The systems of natural information and the usage of them. The natural conditions and project decisions.
Learning outcomes:
Course coordinators
a) basic references:Klimaszewski M. 2002. Geomorfologia. PWN. Warszawa, Mizerski W.; 2004. Geologia dynamiczna dla geografów. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Warszawa; Mycielska-Dowgiałło E. i inni, 2001. Geomorfologia dynamiczna i stosowana. WGiSR. UW. Warszawa
b) supplementary references:uzupełniająca:Ostaszewska K., 2002. Geografia krajobrazu. Wyd. Nauk. PWN. Warszawa; Szponar A., 2003. Fizjografia urbanistyczna. PWN. Warszawa