Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Soil science and reclamation Ś12305
Course content:Soil-forming factors and processes. Role of the soil in the environment. Grain-size distribution and its impact on basic and functional physical properties of soil. the meaning of the soil sorption complex on soil functioning and plants feeding. The influence of the soil reaction on soils properties. Soil organic matter and biological properties of soils. Chemical properties of soils. degradation of soisl. Water sheet erosion. Wind erosion. Natural effects of the erosion. geochemical and chemical transformaqtion of soils. Reducing of soil nutrients contens. Soil salinization and alkalization. Biological degradation. Soil reclamation. General reclamation mesaures. Physical, chemical and biological metods of the reclamation.Reclamation of the urbanized areas,urban wastes dumps.
Learning outcomes:Knowledge about phisico-chemical properties of the soil substrats. Ability to choose proper soil remediation metod.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Zawadzki S. 1999. Gleboznawstwo. PWRiL. Warszawa
Maciak F. 1999. Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska. Wyd. SGGW. Warszawa
Gworek B. 2004. Technologie rekultywacji gleb. Monografia. Warszawa
Baran S. 2000. Ocena stanu degradacji i rekultywacji gleb. Wyd. AR. Lublin
b) supplementary references:
Baran S., Turski S. 1996. Degradacja, ochrona i rekultywacja gleb. Wyd. AR. Lublin
Greinert H., Greinert A. 1999. Ochrona i rekultywacja środowiska glebowego. Wyd. PZ. Zielona Góra