Semestr zimowy 2016/17
Basics of computer science ENB01415
Basic knowledge about construction and operation of the computer and applications such as MS Office
Teaching methods:
lecture, specialist workshop
The lectures range:
selected historical events associated with the development of information technology, computer science key definitions, methods of preparing algorithms, structure and function of operating systems; structure of computer: data storage, microprocessor, main memory; communication via computer networks.
The specialist workshop range:
text editors: styles, inserting objects, automatic numbering of sections, subsections, lists of contents;
methods for solving mathematical tasks using spreadsheet including: relative and absolute references to cells, making decisions by IF function, presentation of calculation results by graphs, determining convergens and divergens of series;
preparing short programs in SCILAB solving mathematical exercises.
Rodzaj przedmiotu
Koordynatorzy przedmiotu
Kryteria oceniania
Passing a course:
1. checking the skills in text formatting: styles, multi-level list, list of contents,
2. checking the skills in calculations: application of functions to solve mathematical equations in a spreadsheet, conditional statement, graphs
3. check the skills in preparing short programs to solve mathematical equations in Scilab using: for, if, while instructions.
1. Teach Yourself VISUALLY Word 2013. Elaine Marmel. 2013
2. Microsoft Excel 2016 Step by Step. Curtis Frye. 2016
3. Excel 2013 For Dummies. Greg Harvey. 2013
4. Scilab by Example. M. Affouf. 2012
5. Scilab (a Free Software to Matlab). Hema Ramchandran, Achuthsankar S. Nair. 2011