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Study programmes > All studies > Eco-energy engineering > Eco-Energy, full time studies, first degree studies

Eco-Energy, full time studies, first degree studies (EKS1)

(in Polish: Ekoenergetyka, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia)
first degree studies (engineering)
full time studies, 3,5 years
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) inżynier

Access to further studies:

possibility of appllying for second degree studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

right to apply for qualifications related with the field of studies completed

Access requirements

possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure

Learning outcomes

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Resolution No. 278/XX/XIV/2014 of 10 April 2014 passed by the Senate of the University of Bialystok on determining the effects of education adopted for conducting an education program at the University of Technology in Bialystok for first degree in green power engineering

EK1 – course education outcomes for green power engineering, first degree;
01, 02, 03 and so on – education outcome number;
W – knowledge; U – skills; K – social competences.
T1A – education outcomes in the field of technical sciences for the first degree studies, general academic profile (A).
InzA – education outcome leading to obtaining engineering competences.

symbol - course education outcomes – reference to education outcomes in a given field

the student
EK1_W01 - has ordered knowledge of mathematics, including algebra and geometry, analysis, mathematical logic, probabilistics and elements of discrete and applied mathematics, including mathematical methods and numerical methods needed to describe and analyze the key components, circuits and electrical systems; description and analysis of the key components, systems and energy systems; description and analysis of the basic signal processing algorithms; the synthesis of components, systems and energy systems - T1A_W01, T1A_W07
EK1_W02 - has ordered knowledge of classical physics, modern physics and the foundations of quantum mechanics, in particular: a basic knowledge of the general principles of physics; ordered knowledge of the mechanics of linear, rotary, oscillating and wave motion and acoustics, basic knowledge of electricity, magnetism and nuclear physics, basic knowledge of optics - T1A_W01
EK1_W03 - has a basic knowledge of chemistry, in particular elements of the structure of matter; the periodic table, chemical bonding, states of matter, chemical compounds; has a basic knowledge of the kinetics of chemical reactions, electrochemistry and corrosion of metals - T1A_W01, T1A_W02
EK1_W04 - has basic and orderly knowledge of technical mechanics, in particular: statics, dynamics, kinematics, mechanical and thermal stresses - T1A_W01, T1A_W02, T1A_W03
EK1_W05 - has elementary knowledge in the application of engineering graphics to solve engineering problems in the field of green power engineering; has a basic knowledge of the basics of engineering design, principles of design calculations and strength - T1A_W02, T1A_W07
EK1_W06 - has ordered and theoretically founded knowledge of electrical engineering, has an elementary knowledge of the methodology and programming techniques including information technology computer-aided energy labeling - T1A_W03
EK1_W07 - has basic knowledge in carrying out and processing the results of measurements of physical quantities, in particular in the field of metrology of electrical and non-electrical values, knows and understands the methods of measurement of basic physical and technical parameters characterizing components, appliances and electrical systems and energy of various types as well as partitions construction - T1A_W01, T1A_W03, T1A_W04, T1A_W07
EK1_W08 - has a basic knowledge of the definition and characteristics of technical materials and processes of heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment of selected building materials and products - T1A_W06, T1A_W07
EK1_W09 - has an elementary knowledge of the principles of electronic components and systems, electronics, and wireless transmission systems, including the detailed knowledge necessary to understand the basic operation of power converters used in renewable energy sources - T1A_W02, T1A_W04, InzA_W05
EK1_W10 - has detailed and founded theoretical knowledge of fluid mechanics including issues related to the flow of liquids and gases - T1A_W03
EK1_W11 - has a basic knowledge of technology to convert primary and processed energy, construction and operation of power equipment, turbomachinery, including water and wind energy as well as steam power stations and water treatment technology for energy applications - T1A_W02, T1A_W06, InzA_W05
EK1_W12 - has ordered and theoretically founded knowledge in the field of electrical machines, including the knowledge necessary to understand the processes occurring in static and dynamic states - T1A_W01, T1A_W03, T1A_W04
EK1_W13 - has theoretically founded, ordered knowledge of the technical thermodynamics, in particular thermal properties of the substance, principles of thermodynamics alternating steams of mixtures and humid gases and thermodynamic power cycles, heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation - T1A_W02, T1A_W04
EK1_W14 - has elementary knowledge in the field of green power energy impact on the environment and has a basic knowledge needed to understand the determinants of non-technical engineering activities; has elementary knowledge in the field of health and safety at the power equipment - T1A_W02, T1A_W08
EK1_W15 - has basic knowledge in the field of nuclear energy in the knowledge of the principles and operation of energy facilities that use nuclear technology and the impact of harmful effects on the environment - T1A_W02, T1A_W08
EK1_W16 - has basic knowledge in the field of automation, microprocessor control systems of power electronic converters and selected types of PLC - T1A_W02, T1A_W07
EK1_W17 - has basic knowledge of the life cycle, conditions and manner of operation of selected electrical equipment and energy, knows and understands the problems associated with the operation of the power system - T1A_W02, T1A_W05, T1A_W06, T1A_W07
EK1_W18 - has ordered and theoretically founded knowledge in the field of energy and knows and understands the processes of energy generation, has a basic knowledge of the development trends in the field of energy generation and conversion - T1A_W03, T1A_W04, T1A_W05, InzA_W05
EK1_W19 - has a basic knowledge of fuel properties and their determination, combustion and exhaust gas properties and technology in the use of energy fuel - T1A_W02, T1A_W07
EK1_W20 - has a basic knowledge of the operation of equipment in relation to the problems of reliability with regard to the basic machinery and electrical equipment and energy - T1A_W02, T1A_W06, T1A_W07
EK1_W21 - has elementary knowledge in the field of protection of intellectual property and patent law as well as basic knowledge in the field of management (including quality management) and business - T1A_W09, T1A_W10
EK1_W22 - knows the general principles for the creation and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship - T1A_W11
EK1_W23 - has a general knowledge of a foreign language grammar and vocabulary enabling participation in technical discussions related to energy and the understanding and the creation of complex texts related to the discipline - T1A_W01
EK1_W24 - is in touch with current state and development trends in environmental protection - T1A_W05
EK1_W25 - has basic knowledge of construction law and energy, EU directives, relevant standards and technical conditions - T1A_W05, T1A_U01
EK1_W26 - has ordered knowledge of the rationalization of energy use including the use of modern techniques in the process of energy labeling - T1A_W03, T1A_W05, T1A_U02
EK1_W27 - has ordered, theoretical knowledge in the field of basic principles of selection and application of working machines for pumping fluids in sanitary facilities- T1A_W05, T1A_W06, T1A_U02
EK1_W28 - has ordered knowledge necessary to understand the chemical processes occurring during biofuel production and processing; knows and understands the methods of measurement of basic physicochemical parameters characterizing biofuels and materials used in green power engineering - T1A_W01, T1A_W02
EK1_U01 - can obtain information from literature, databases, and other sources, also in a foreign language, is able to integrate the information obtained, to interprete it and draw conclusions, formulate and justify opinions and can use the specification sheets in order to select the appropriate power, electrical and construction equipment - T1A_U01, T1A_U16
EK1_U02 - makes use of a foreign language sufficiently enough to communicate, as well as read datasheets, application notes, manuals, electronic appliances and tools and similar documents with comprehension, in accordance with the requirements for the level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages - T1A_U01, T1A_U06
EK1_U03 - can classify the basic elements and simple compounds; is able to characterize the behavior of inorganic compounds, including solutions; can classify and characterize basic chemical changes in the combustion reactions and physico-chemical phenomena, including corrosion and aging of materials and products - T1A_U01, T1A_U03
EK1_U04 - is able to explain and assess the importance of individual components and systems in power plants, buildings and energy sources, and can explain the importance of respecting legal and ethical norms and environmental standards of green power energy - T1A_U01, T1A_U07, T1A_U09
EK1_U05 - can communicate in a professional environment and beyond, using different techniques - T1A_U02
EK1_U06 - can model the basic mechanical systems and analyze their performance - T1A_U09
EK1_U07 - is able to develop documentation and a brief presentation, also in a foreign language on a engineering task and discuss the results and conclusions of this task - T1A_U03, T1A_U04
EK1_U08 - is able to describe and determine the flow parameters in simple flow systems and perform basic measurements of pressure and flow rate - T1A_U09
EK1_U09 - can apply the elements of engineering graphics to solve engineering problems in the field of green power energy; can determine the principle of action and choose the components parts of machinery or buildingsbased on the construction of basic machine parts and assemblies and buildings based on the construction of basic machine parts and assemblies and buildings; can read technical drawing - T1A_U07, T1A_U09
EK1_U10 - is able to apply appropriate methods of research for the basic engineering materials and choose the construction materials and supplies - T1A_U09
EK1_U11 - can develop a balance of energy for buildings, appliances and power systems and their components, specify the parameters and efficiency of transition and thermodynamic cycles, determine the heat flux exchanged for the basic geometry of the system - T1A_U09
EK1_U12 - is able to use appropriate methods for the analysis and design of thermal power stations and power equipment - T1A_U09
EK1_U13 - can determine the energy content of fuels, analyze combustion processes, evaluate combustion technologies and carry out measurements of the properties of fuels - T1A_U09
EK1_U14 - is able to design the basic equipment and energy installations and to assess their performance, knows the rules and knows how to properly operate basic machinery and electrical equipment and energy - T1A_U09
EK1_U15 - has the ability to self-learn, in order to, among others, improve professional skills - T1A_U05
EK1_U16 - is able to plan and carry out measurements of basic parameters characterizing electrical and energy systems, wireless devices, and configure basic devices operating in the power system and power plants; is able to present the obtained reswults and interpret them and draw the right conclusions - T1A_U07, T1A_U08, T1A_U11
EK1_U17 - can use properly chosen methods, models and devices as well as computer simulations to analyze and evaluate the work of selected electrical equipment and systems, heat and power system components - T1A_U07, T1A_U08, T1A_U09
EK1_U18 - can recognize and interpret the risks associated with the operation of the electrical equipment, can create a safe and ergonomic work station - T1A_U11
EK1_U19 - can see non-technical aspects in formulating and solving engineering tasks related to the selected elements or parts of the power system, including environmental, economic and legal - T1A_U10, T1A_U12
EK1_U20 - can design and make a critical analysis of selected systems and power plants, including the preset criteria of utility and economy, using appropriate methods, techniques and tools, including computer-aided tools - T1A_U12, T1A_U13, T1A_U16
EK1_U21 - can create a control algorithm, run, and examine the selected functional unit control system; is able to combine the components (according to set specifications), run and examine selected power-energy converter - T1A_U14, T1A_U16
EK1_U22 - is able to assess the usefulness of routine methods and tools to solve simple engineering tasks, typical of green power energy, and select and apply appropriate methods and tools - T1A_U15
EK1_U23 - can - according to preset specifications - design simple device, object or a basic layout forming part of the energy system using appropriate methods and tools, - T1A_U16

EK1_K01 - understands the need of, and knows the possibilities of continuous training (second and third degree studies, postgraduate courses) - improves professional, personal and social skills, can inspire the learning process of others - T1A_K01
EK1_K02 - is aware of the importance of and understands the non-technical aspects and effects of the activity of an engineer specialising in green power energy, including its impact on the environment, and the related responsibility for decisions - T1A_K02
EK1_K03 - is able to work individually and in a team; knows how to estimate the time needed for the commissioned work; is able to develop and implement a work schedule to ensure deadlines taking into account the specific priorities - T1A_K03, T1A_K04
EK1_K04 - is aware of the responsibility for own work and a willingness to comply with the principles of teamwork and responsibility for jointly implemented tasks - T1A_K03
EK1_K05 - is aware of the validity of behavior in a professional manner and respects the rules of professional conduct and ethical standards in personal life and respect for diversity of views and cultures - T1A_K05
EK1_K06 - is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial way - T1A_K06
EK1_K07 - is aware of the social role of technical college graduate, and especially understands the need to formulate and to inform the public (also through the mass media) on the achievements of green power energy and other aspects of engineering; shall endeavor to provide such information and opinions in a universally understandable manner - T1A_K07

Course structure diagram:

Abbreviations used in tables:
lect - Lecture
wyk_e - Lecture + Exam
cl - Class
lab - Laboratory
ps - Specialistic Workshop
e - Grade
zal-oc - Grade
Semestr 1ECTSlectwyk_ecllabpsexam
Analiza konsystencji firanek bawełnianych
Kawałki owoców w jogurtach - fakty i mity3.512060
Semestr 2ECTSlectwyk_ecllabpsexam
Heat exchange13015e
Semestr 3ECTSlectwyk_ecllabpsexam
Mobile applications51515zal-oc

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk2.uci.pb.edu.pl