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Interior Design (ARWN)

(in Polish: Architektura Wnętrz, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia)
First degree studies
full-time studies, 3,5 year, 210 ECTS points
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) inżynier

Access to further studies:

possiblity of applying for second degree studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

right to apply for qualifications related with the field of studies completed

Access requirements

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possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure

Teaching standards

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educational standards in accordance with the directive of the Minister of National Education and Sport dated 18 April 2002 concerning the description of educational standards for particular study courses and education levels (Dziennik Ustaw, No. 116, item 1004) including further amendments in accordance with the directive of the Minister of National Education and Sport dated 3 November 2003 (Dz.U.Nr 210 poz. 2040). The standards define general course requirements including the number of teaching hours, graduate's profile, curricula for individual courses including subjects of general, core and specialist education as well as requirements and recommendations concerning internship.

Learning outcomes

Resolution No. 18/53/2012 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 28 June 2012 on determining learning outcomes for first cycle courses in the field of Interior Design at Bialystok University of Technology

Symbol - Learning outcomes for the field of study - Reference to learning outcomes for the area (areas) of study

knowledge of creating works of art
K_W01- realise and understand the significance and impact of colour and light as means of composition and expression, required to implement the assumptions connected with artistic and design activities - A1_W10
K_W02 - know the basic methods, techniques, and materials used for solving tasks in structural mechanics and furniture construction - A1_W10, InzA_W02
K_W03 - know the terminology and appropriate computational and measurement techniques necessary to solve simple technical and engineering tasks - A1_W10, InzA_W02
K_W04 - determine plastic art phenomena connected with space management (the relationships of forms, colours); graduates have the knowledge of different plastic art techniques applied in designing interiors, exhibitions, furniture, and other forms - A1_W10
knowledge and understanding of context of plastic arts
K_W05 - are aware of the developmental dependencies in the particular artistic disciplines - A1_W11
K_W06 - know the principles of constructing structures in the historical perspective - A1_W11, InzA_W05
K_W07 - know the publications connected with the development of artistic disciplines as well as structural and construction issues - A1_W11
K_W08 - show the knowledge of the history and styles of art and architecture, and also of artistic traditions in the historical and social perspectives, connected with the history and styles of art and architecture - A1_W12
K_W09 - know the ways of using materials and technologies in a rational way in respect of interior design, and are aware of their future development possibilities - A1_W13, InzA_W02
K_W10 - understand the reasons of selecting design technologies depending on the function of the designed object - A1_W13
K_W11 - know the issues connected with engineering technologies and processing of materials used in the field of interior design - A1_W13, InzA_W05
K_W12 - have a basic knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, financial, marketing, and legal constraints in engineering activities - A1_W14, InzA_W03
K_W13 - have a basic knowledge necessary in conducting business activity and quality management - A1_W14, InzA_W04
K_W14 - know the legal provisions connected with artistic and engineering activities - A1_W14
K_W15 - identify methods, analyses, and assessments of structures and systems according to ergonomic, structural, and functional criteria - A1_W15, InzA_W01
K_W16 - have the knowledge of the life cycle of architectural and technical structures as well as works of applied arts - A1_W15
K_W17 - have a basic knowledge of the durability and strength of the applied materials - A1_W15, InzA_W01
knowledge of a foreign language
K_W18 - have a systematised general knowledge and the knowledge concerning their field of study with respect to a foreign language; graduates know the grammatical structures and vocabulary allowing for understanding and creating complex written texts and oral presentations (including understanding discussions on technical issues connected with their field of study); graduates also have a basic knowledge of the culture and social norms in the areas where a given language is a native language - A1_U23
artistic expression skills
K_U01 - creatively apply methods of shaping space and forms, necessary in the design process - A1_U14
K_U02 - can critically analyse and evaluate the functioning of the designed structures, devices, or spaces - A1_U14, InzA_U05
skills of creating works of art
K_U03 - make use of artistic means of expression in an appropriate way - A1_U15
K_U04 - select the appropriate forms of communication and instruments of artistic techniques to express artistic and design concepts - A1_U15
K_U05 - can purposefully use the selected techniques and technologies in designing - A1_U16
K_U06 - use the proper technological solutions and select the appropriate technical structures and solutions - A1_U16
K_U07 - can apply analytical, simulation, and experimental methods in order to formulate and solve engineering tasks - A1_U16, InzA_U02
K_U08 - can design simple devices, structures, or systems, according to the predefined functional and artistic assumptions - A1_U16, InzA_U08
K_U09 - can select the appropriate methods, techniques, and materials to create works of plastic or applied arts as well as devices, structures, or systems - A1_U16, InzA_U08
K_U10 - can independently identify and solve problems in the processes of designing and design implementation - A1_U17
K_U11 - examine the factors influencing the perception of the designed spaces, depending on the design assumptions - A1_U17
K_U12 - are aware of the system and non-technical dependencies of design tasks while formulating and solving these tasks - A1_U17, InzA_U03
K_U13 - can critically analyse the functioning of the designed spatial systems and structures, and evaluate the cause and effect correlations of the applied solutions - A1_U17, InzA_U05
K_U14 - can identify and formulate specifications of simple and practical engineering tasks in the field of interior design - A1_U17, InzA_U06
K_U15 - can apply their theoretical knowledge of structural mechanics in the design practice - A1_U17, InzA_U06
K_U16 - can evaluate and apply the appropriate methods and tools to solving simple construction tasks and practical design solutions - A1_U17, InzA_U07
skills of working in teams
K_U17 - can successfully work on developing joint design projects - A1_U18
artistic techniques
K_U18 - have the ability to represent space and its elements in the form of perspectives, axonometric projection, and three-dimensional models - A1_U19
K_U19 - present and document the effects of design work in the electronic form - A1_U19
K_U20 - plan and experimentally test the suggested design solutions on mock-ups or using computer simulation - A1_U19, InzA_U01
K_U21 - can select the appropriate tools and techniques of conveying visual messages for solving simple engineering tasks and tasks concerning plastic arts - A1_U19, InzA_U07
K_U22 - have learnt techniques enabling them to implement their own artistic concepts, and can develop these techniques in the process of independent work - A1_U20
artistic creation skills
K_U23 - define and apply intuitive methods of searching for appropriate forms in their artistic work - A1_U21
K_U24 - can perform preliminary economic analyses of the processes of designing and design implementation - A1_U21, InzA_U04
verbal skills
K_U25 - prepare standard written works and short oral presentations on the history of interior design, design, and art, applying the basic theoretical approaches and using different sources - A1_U22
K_U26 - have foreign language competence at the B2 level, pursuant to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - A1_U23
skills of giving public presentations
K_U27 - can behave in an appropriate way while presenting their own achievements in public - A1_U24
K_U28 - prepare presentations of their own achievements with the use of graphics and multimedia - A1_U24

K_K01 - realise and understand the need for expanding their knowledge and improving their skills throughout their whole lives - A1_K01
K_K02 - independently undertake individual work, showing the ability to collect, analyse, and interpret information as well as to develop ideas and to formulate critical arguments; graduates also show internal motivation and work organisation skills - A1_K02
K_K03 - can think and act in a resourceful way - A1_K02, InzA_K02
psychological determinants
K_K04 - are capable of effectively using their imagination, intuition, emotionality, and the ability to think and work creatively while solving problems; graduates can also effectively use their abilities to think flexibly and to adapt to new and changing circumstances; graduates can use their skills of controlling their own behaviour and preventing fears and stress situations, as well as their skills of meeting the requirements concerning public performances and presentations - A1_K03
K_K05 - have the ability of self-evaluation and of providing constructive criticism of other people's work; graduates also have the ability of reflecting on the social, scientific, and ethical aspects connected with their work - A1_K04

K_K06 - can evaluate their designs as well as designs of other people, considering the social, scientific, and ethical aspects of these designs - A1_K04, InzA_K01
K_K07 - predict the results of their decisions and activities concerning their individual and cooperative engineering activities, including the influence of these activities on the natural environment - A1_K04, InzA_K01
social competence
K_K08 - have the ability to effectively communicate and participate in social life, in particular, to: work in teams while working on joint projects and activities, negotiate and organise, integrate with other people while engaging in various cultural events, present tasks in an understandable way, using information technology - A1_K05
protection of industrial property and copyright
K_K09 - know and understand the basic notions and principles pertaining to the protection of industrial property and copyright - A1_K06

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk2.uci.pb.edu.pl