(in Polish) Leśnictwo, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, profil ogólnoakademicki (LESOS1)(in Polish: Leśnictwo, studia stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia, profil ogólnoakademicki) | |
first degree studies, level of qualifications 6 full time studies, 3.5 year, 210 ECTS points, including 4-week work experience internship (4ECTS) Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólny
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Access requirements
possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure
Learning outcomes
Resolution No. 39/51/2012 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 24 May 2012 on determining learning outcomes for first cycle courses in the field of Forestry at Bialystok University of Technology
Meaning of symbols:
L – learning outcomes for the field of study; 01, 02, 03, ... – number of the learning outcome
W – category of knowledge
U – category of skills
K – category of social competence
A – general academic orientation
T1A – learning outcomes in the area of technical sciences for first cycle courses
R1A – learning outcomes in the area of agricultural, forestry, and veterinary sciences for first cycle courses (academic orientation)
InzA – learning outcomes leading to gaining engineering competence for first cycle courses (academic orientation)
Learning outcomes for the field of study - Description of learning outcomes for the field of study - Reference to learning outcomes for the areas of agricultural, forestry, and veterinary sciences and to learning outcomes leading to gaining engineering competence
L1_W01 - have a basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and related sciences, necessary to understand phenomena occurring in the forest environment - R1A_W01, InzA_W01
L1_W02 - have a general knowledge of the biological foundations of production at different levels of complexity as well as of technical engineering issues useful in forestry technologies - R1A_W04, InzA_W02
L1_W03 - know the basic forestry methods, techniques, technologies, and tools used for shaping and exploiting the potential of the nature - R1A_W05, InzA_W05
L1_W04 - have a general knowledge concerning forest production processes - R1A_W01, R1A_05
L1_W05 - know typical forest production technologies - R1A_W05, InzA_W05
L1_W06 - have a general knowledge of the functioning of living organisms at different levels of complexity, of the inanimate nature, and of technical engineering tasks in forestry - R1A_W04, R1A_W05, InzA_W01
L1_W07 - have the knowledge of the role and importance of the forest environment, its threats, and methods of protecting this environment - R1A_W05,R1A_W06, R1A_07
L1_W08 - have the knowledge of the role of forest animals in the natural environment; graduates also differentiate between different types of environmental protection technologies - R1A_W05,R1A_W05, R1A_W06
L1_W09 - know the basic issues concerning the functioning of forest ecosystems - R1A_W03,R1A_W05,
L1_W10 - know the basic principles of the construction of technical machinery and devices applied in forestry works - R1A_W05, InzA_W02
L1_W11 - know the basic issues concerning forest geodesy - R1A_W05, InzA_W02
L1_W12 - describe changes in the forest environment and threats to the environment, caused by human activity - R1A_W03, R1A_W05
L1_W13 - know the basic research methods and tools used in forestry - R1A_W03, R1A_W05, InzA_W02
L1_W14 - know the principles of identifying threats as well as the principles of occupational safety and health and ergonomics, concerning the use of technical equipment in forestry - R1A_W05, InzA_W01
L1_W15 - know general principles and the history of forestry - R1A_W05
L1_W16 - have a basic knowledge of materials science and strength of materials as well as of forest soil science and geomorphology, required in forestry - R1A_W04,R1A_W06
L1_W17 - have a basic economic, legal and social knowledge with regard to the areas of forestry and environmental protection - R1A_W02, InzA_W03, InzA_W04
L1_W18 - have the knowledge of the functioning of economic entities, their management, supervision, logistics, control, and certification, including the area of forestry technology - R1A_W09, InzA_W04
L1_W19 - know the principles of sustained development, environmental protection, and the organisation of ecological systems as well as their influence on quality and safety considered from the point of view of forestry - R1A_W06, R1A_W07
L1_W20 - know the basic statistical methods and information technology tools for analysing and evaluating phenomena and processes occurring when using forest production - R1A_W05, InzA_W03
L1_W21 - know and understand the basic issues and principles concerning the protection of intellectual property with regard to forestry technology issues - R1A_W07, R1A_W08,InzA_W03
L1_W22 - know the terminology used in the forest management system (in Polish and in the English language) - R1A_W02
L1_U01 - have the ability to obtain, observe, analyse, and apply information concerning biology, chemistry, and physics, required in forestry - R1A_U01, R1A_U06, InzA_U02
L1_U02 - can perform simple research tasks concerning the identification of changes in the forest environment - R1A_U05, InzA_U01, InzA_U02
L1_U03 - can evaluate the existing operations and unit processes, and suggest alternative solutions, taking into consideration quality improvement, the operational safety of technical equipment, and the efficiency of technological processes in forestry - R1A_U05, R1A_U06, R1A_U07
L1_U04 - use experimental, mathematical and statistical, and information technology methods to describe and analyse phenomena occurring in forests - R1A_U03, R1A_U04, InzA_U01, InzA_U05, InzA_U08
L1_U05 - have the ability to independently interpret the obtained empirical data, and to draw conclusions - R1A_U04, InzA_U07
L1_U06 - have the ability to find, interpret, and evaluate the usefulness of data pertaining to forestry - R1A_U01, InzA_U03
L1_U07 - can identify biological, chemical and physical threats to the natural environment and their sources of origin as well as threats connected with using technical equipment in forestry - R1A_U05, R1A_U06
L1_U08 - can perform risk and benefit analyses, and can formulate guidelines for quality management and management of the safe operation of technical equipment in forestry - R1A_U01, R1A_U06
L1_U09 - can develop documented overviews concerning the safe operation of technical equipment in forestry - R1A_U08
L1_U10 - have the ability to apply their knowledge of processing information aiming at improving the forestry infrastructure in practice - R1A_U05,R1A_U06, R1A_U07, InzA_U01, InzA_U06, InzA_U07
L1_U11 - can determine and evaluate the value of implementing innovative solutions for increasing the efficiency of technical equipment operation in forest production - R1A_U01, R1A_U05
L1_U12 - can use the basic information technology tools to obtain, process, analyse, and apply data pertaining to forestry - R1A_U03, InzA_U03
L1_U13 - perform simple research or design tasks concerning forestry technology in its broad sense (under supervision of a research scientist) - R1A_U04, InzA_U06
L1_U14 - can carry out preliminary economic syntheses and analyses of the undertaken engineering activities - R1A_U01, InzA_U04
L1_U15 - can evaluate and plan the range of tasks concerning the condition of the forest environment, taking into account integrated environmental management and sustainable development criteria - R1A_U05, R1A_U06
L1_U16 - have the ability to study specialist literature and to study independently; graduates can develop well-documented overviews concerning problems in the engineering discipline they study (in Polish and in the English language) - R1A_U02, R1A_U09
L1_U17 - have the ability to communicate in the professional environment on issues regarding forestry technology, in Polish and in a foreign language at the B2 level, using different techniques - R1A_U02, R1A_U08, R1A_U09, R1A_U10
L1_U18 - have the ability to prepare oral presentations on detailed issues concerning the engineering discipline they study, both in Polish and in a foreign language - R1A_U10
L1_K01 - realise the importance of the social, professional, and ethical responsibility for the development and the condition of the forest environment - R1A_K04,R1A_K05, InzA_K01
L1_K02 - realise the risk and can evaluate the results of their activities concerning forestry in its broad sense - R1A_K06, InzA_K01
L1_K03 - understand the need for continuous learning and improving their professional and personal skills; graduates also understand the need for acting in a resourceful way - R1A_K01, R1A_K07, R1A_K08
L1_K04 - can identify professional problems and determine priories for solving them - R1A_K03, InzA_K02
L1_K05 - have the ability to work individually and to solve problems independently; graduates can think and act in a creative and resourceful way - R1A_K01, R1A_K07, InzA_K02
L1_K06 - can cooperate and work in groups, assuming different functions - R1A_K02
L1_K07 - realise the social, professional, and ethical responsibility for the quality and condition of the natural forest environment - R1A_K05
L1_K08 - realise the importance of ensuring the appropriate working conditions while operating technical equipment, as well as the importance of following the principles of occupational health and safety - R1A_K06
Symbol - Learning outcomes in the area of agricultural, forestry, and veterinary sciences - Reference to learning outcomes for the field of Forestry
R1A_W01 - have a general knowledge of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and the related disciplines, appropriate for their field of study - L1_W01, L1_W04
R1A_W02 - have a basic economic, legal, and social knowledge appropriate for their field of study - L1_W17, L1_W22
R1A_W03 - have a general knowledge concerning the biosphere as well as chemical and physical processes occurring in it; graduates also know the properties of plant-based raw materials as well as the fundamentals of technology and environment shaping, appropriate for their field of study - L1_W09,L1_W12, L1_W13
R1A_W04 - have a general knowledge of the functioning of living organisms at different levels of complexity, of the inanimate nature, and of technical engineering tasks appropriate for their field of study - L1_W02,L1_W06, L1_W16
R1A_W05 - know the basic methods, techniques, technologies, tools, and materials making it possible to exploit and shape the potential of the nature in order to improve the quality of human life - L1_W03,L1_W05, L1_W06,L1_W07, L1_W08,
L1_W09,L1_W10, L1_W11,L1_W12, L1_W13,L1_W14, L1_W15, L1_W20
R1A_W06 - realise the role and importance of the natural environment as well as its threats and protection in a global society - L1_W07,L1_W08, L1_W16
R1A_W07 - have a basic knowledge of the quality of rural areas and the factors determining the functioning and development of these areas - L1_W07,L1_W19, L1_W21
R1A_W08 - know and understand the basic issues and principles concerning the protection of industrial property and copyright; graduates can use patent information resources - L1_W21
R1A_W09 - know general principles of creating and developing different forms of individual entrepreneurship, applying their knowledge of the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for their field of study - L1_W18
R1A_U01 - have the ability to obtain, understand, analyse, and apply the required information from different sources and in various forms appropriate for their field of study - L1A_U01,L1A_U06, L1A_U08,L1A_U11, L1A_U14
R1A_U02 - have the ability to precisely communicate with various entities in the verbal, written, and graphical form - L1A_U16, L1A_U17
R1A_U03 - apply the basic information technology tools to obtain and process information on agricultural and forestry production - L1A_U04, L1A_U12
R1A_U04 - perform simple research or design tasks concerning forestry technology in its broad sense (under supervision of a research scientist); graduates correctly interpret the results and draw conclusions - L1A_U04,L1A_U05, L1A_U13
R1A_U05 - identify and perform standard analyses of phenomena influencing food production, food quality, animal and human health, the condition of the natural environment and natural resources; graduates know the applications of typical techniques and their optimisation, appropriate for their field of study - L1A_U02,L1A_U03, L1A_U07,L1A_U10, L1A_U11, L1A_U15
R1A_U06 - have the ability to undertake standard activities, applying appropriate methods, techniques, technologies, tools, and materials, in order to solve problems concerning food production, animal health, the condition of the natural environment and natural resources, and to solve technical engineering tasks appropriate for their field of study - L1A_U01,L1A_03, L1A_U07,L1A_U08, L1A_U10, L1A_U15
R1A_U07 - realise the advantages and disadvantages of the activities undertaken to solve professional problems, in order to gain experience and to improve their engineering competence - L1A_U03, L1A_U10
R1A_U08 - have the ability to prepare standard written texts (in the Polish language and in a foreign language considered as a basic language with regard to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study) on detailed issues, applying the basic theoretical approaches and using various sources - L1A_U09, L1A_U17
R1A_U09 - have the ability to prepare oral presentations (in the Polish language and in a foreign language) on detailed issues, applying the basic theoretical approaches and using various sources - L1A_U17
R1A_U10 - have foreign language skills with regard to the areas of science and scientific disciplines appropriate for the graduates’ field of study, pursuant to the requirements determined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the B2 level - L1A_U17, L1A_18
R1A_K01 - understand the need for life-long learning - L1A_K03, L1A_K05
R1A_K02 - can cooperate and work in groups, assuming different roles - L1A_K06
R1A_K03 - can appropriately determine priorities connected to implementing tasks defined by themselves or other people - L1A_K04
R1A_K04 - correctly identify and solve dilemmas connected to performing their profession - L1A_K01
R1A_K05 - realise the importance of social, professional, and ethical responsibility for the production of high quality food, for animal welfare, as well as for the shaping and the condition of the natural environment - L1A_K01, L1A_K07
R1A_K06 - realise the risks connected with their professional activities concerning agriculture and the natural environment in their broad sense, and can evaluate the results of these activities - L1A_K02, L1A_K08
R1A_K07 - realise the need for supplementing their education and for self-improvement with regard to their profession - L1A_K03, L1A_K05
R1A_K08 - can think and act in a resourceful way - L1A_K03
Symbol - Learning outcomes for first cycle qualifications connected with the professional degree of an Engineer - Reference to learning effects for the field of Forestry
InzA_W01 - have a basic knowledge of the life cycle of structures and systems typical of their engineering discipline - L1_W01,L1_W04, L1_W06, L1_W14
InzA_W02 - know the basic methods, techniques, tools and materials used while solving simple engineering tasks connected with the studied engineering discipline - L1_W02,L1_W10, L1_W11, L1_W13
InzA_W03 - have a basic knowledge necessary to understand social, economic, legal and other constraints in engineering activities - L1_W17,L1_W20, L1_W21
InzA_W04 - have a basic knowledge concerning management, including quality management, and conducting business activity - L1_W017, L1_W18
InzA_W05 - know standard engineering technologies with regard to their field of study - L1_W03,L1_W05, L1_W09
InzA_U01 - can plan and conduct experiments, including computer simulations; graduates can interpret the obtained results and draw conclusions - L1_U10
InzA_U02 - can formulate and solve engineering tasks, using analytical, simulation, and experimental methods - L1_U01, L1_U02
InzA_U03 - realise the system and non-technical aspects of engineering tasks while formulating and solving such tasks - L1_U12, L1_U06
InzA_U04 - can carry out preliminary economic analyses of the undertaken engineering activities - L1_U14
InzA_U05 - can critically analyse and evaluate the functioning of the existing technical solutions, in particular, devices, structures, systems, processes, and services, especially with regard to the graduates’ field of study - L1_U04
InzA_U06 - can identify and formulate specifications of simple and practical engineering tasks characteristic of their field of study - L1_U11, L1_U13
InzA_U07 - can evaluate the relevance of standard methods for solving simple and practical engineering tasks characteristic of their field of study; graduates can also select and apply appropriate methods and tools - L1_U05, L1_U11
InzA_U08 - according to the predefined specification, can design and construct simple devices, structures, systems, or processes typical of their field of study, using the right methods, techniques, and tools - L1_U04
InzA_K01 - understand and realise the importance of social results of engineering activities, including the influence of these activities on the environment, and the responsibility for the decisions they take - L1_K01, L1_K02
InzA_K02 - can think and act in a resourceful way - L1_K05