Automatic Control and Robotics (AiRS1E)(in Polish: Automatyka i robotyka, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first degree studies full time studies, 3,5 years, 210 ECTS points, including 4-week work experience internship (4ECTS) Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólny
No description for the programme.
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Professional status:
Access requirements
possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure
Learning outcomes
Resolution No. 479/XXVII/XV/2019 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 26 September 2019 on determining study programmes in the fields of study starting from the academic year 2019/2020 conducted at Bialystok University of Technology
Symbol - Learning outcomes for the field of study Automatic Control and Robotics, general academic profile, first cycle studies. After completing the first-cycle studies in the field of automatic control and robotics, the graduate - Reference to the universal first-stage descriptors set out in the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System and the second-stage descriptors set out in the regulations issued pursuant to art. 7 (3) of the PQF Act - level 6 - Reference to engineering competences included in the second stage descriptors specified in the regulations issued pursuant to Art. 7 (3) of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System of the PQF - level 6
KNOWLEDGE: the graduate knows and understands
AR1_W01 - selected processes occurring in the life cycle of devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W02 - advanced issues in mathematics and physics, as well as mathematical and physical models and relationships between them necessary to describe physical phenomena and processes occurring in devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W03 - selected principles, methods and tools for the analysis and selection of mechanical components and systems used in devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W04 - information and communication techniques used in automatic control and robotics systems - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W05 - methods of selecting and using information sources as well as appropriate engineering methods and tools, including measuring methods and systems for formulating and solving basic problems of automatic control and robotics, and drawing conclusions - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W06 - issues in the theory of electrical circuits, operation of electrical and electronic devices, signal theory and selected phenomena accompanying the functioning of automatic control and robotics systems - P6S_WG, P6U_W, P6S_WG;
AR1_W07 - principles of technical drawing and principles of designing selected devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics as well as supporting engineering tools and computer methods - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W08 - practical examples of implementation of methods used to solve typical engineering problems in the field of automatic control and robotics - P6S_WG, P6U_W - P6S_WG;
AR1_W09 - basic economic and legal principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, as well as the principles of interpersonal and social communication and basic dilemmas of modern civilization - P6S_WK, P6U_W - P6S_WK;
AR1_W10 - principles of industrial property and copyright protection as well as basic principles of occupational health and safety at work and study positions - P6S_WK, P6U_W - P6S_WK;
AR1_W11 - methods of planning individual and team work, the need to improve qualifications and methods of inference and presenting opinions - P6S_WG, P6S_WK, P6U_W.
SKILLS: the graduate can
AR1_U01 - use knowledge from various fields of science to analyse, formulate and solve complex or unusual automatic control and robotics problems - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U02 - choose sources and information contained therein correctly, assess them, critically analyse and synthesise them and use them to solve technical problems - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U03 - select and use appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques in automatic control and robotics systems - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U04 - plan and conduct experiments, including computer measurements and simulations, interpret obtained results and draw conclusions, formulate opinions - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U05 - make an initial economic assessment of the proposed solutions, therefore engineering actions, recognise their systemic and non-technical aspects, as well as evaluate and make a critical analysis of the functioning of existing technical solutions in devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U06 - design according to the given specification and implement a simple device, object or system of automatic control and robotics - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U07 - design a control system for a selected industrial process - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW;
AR1_U08 - perform analysis and selection of mechanical components and systems in devices, objects and systems of automatic control and robotics - P6S_UW, P6U_U;
AR1_U09 - communicate, exchange opinions, including taking part in a specialised debate in the field of automatic control and robotics - P6S_UK, P6U_U;
AR1_U10 - use a foreign language at least at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, including communication in an international engineering environment - P6S_UK, P6U_U;
AR1_U11 - plan, organise individual work, in a team and plan professional development to constantly keep up with trends in the field of automatic control and robotics - P6S_UO, P6S_UU, P6U_U;
AR1_U12 - apply the principles of health and safety at work - P6S_UW, P6U_U - P6S_UW.
SOCIAL COMPETENCES: the graduate is ready to
AR1_K01 - critically assess his/her knowledge, improve professional qualifications, self-educate - P6S_KK, P6S_KR, P6U_K;
AR1_K02 - recognise the importance of knowledge and use of expert opinions in solving engineering problems, accepting responsibility for tasks carried out - P6S_KK, P6S_KO, P6U_K;
AR1_K03 - fulfil social obligations, respect the diversity of views and cultures, co-organise environmental activities - P6S_KO, P6U_K;
AR1_K04 - think and act in an entrepreneurial manner in fulfilling professional duties - P6S_KO, P6U_K;
AR1_K05 - behave in a professional manner, adhere to the principles of professional ethics, care for the achievements and traditions of the engineering profession - P6S_KR, P6U_K.
Meaning of symbols:
AR1 - learning outcomes in the first-cycle studies in the field of automatic control and robotics
W – category of knowledge
U - category of skills
K – category of social competences
01, 02, 03… - learning outcome number
Explanation of symbols according to the Polish Qualifications Framework (Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System):
P - PQF level
U - universal descriptor
K - social competences
P6U_W - PQF level 6, universal descriptor, knowledge
P6U_U – PQF level 6, universal descriptor, skills
P6U_K - PQF level 6, universal descriptor, social competences
P6S - learning outcomes for first-cycle studies according to the Polish Qualifications Framework (qualifications obtained under the system of higher education and science, second stage descriptors) - LEVEL 6, general academic profile;
W - knowledge (the graduate knows and understands): P6S_WG - scope and depth/ completeness of the cognitive perspective and relationships, P6S_WK - context/ conditions, effects;
U - skills (the graduate is able to): P6S_UW - use of knowledge/ solved problems and performed tasks; P6S_UK - communicate/ receive and create statements, disseminate knowledge in the scientific community and use a foreign language; P6S_UO - organise work/ plan and teamwork; P6S_UU - learn/ plan one's own development and the development of others;
K - social competences (the graduate is ready for): P6S_KK - assessment / critical approach, P6S_KO - responsibility/ fulfilling social obligations and acting for the public interest, P6S_KR - professional role/ independence and ethos development.