Interior Design (ARWNP8)(in Polish: Architektura Wnętrz, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
First degree studies Full - time studies, 4 years, 240 ECTS points Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólny
No description for the programme.
Qualification awarded:
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Professional status:
Access requirements
possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure
Learning outcomes
Regulation No. 461/XXVI/XV/2019 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 27 June 2019 on determining the study programmes in the fields of study starting from the academic year 2019/2020 conducted at the Bialystok University of Technology
Learning outcomes for the first-cycle studies, practical profile, in the field of study of interior design
Symbol - Description of learning outcomes for the field of study
K_W01 - the student sees and understands the importance and impact of color and light as a medium of composition and expression, needed in the implementation of assumptions related to the artistic and design activities
K_W02 - knows the basic methods and techniques used in solving problems realted to mechanics of the construction of spatial structures, including the construction of furniture
K_W03 - knows the terminology and appropriate conversion and measurement techniques necessary for solving simple technical and engineering tasks
K_W04 - defines the phenomena of art related to the shaping of space: relationships of forms, shapes, chiaroscuro and colors. Has knowledge of various art techniques used in the design of interiors, exhibitions, furniture and other forms
K_W05 - sees cause and effect relationships and the resulting development in individual artistic disciplines
K_W06 - knows the ways of constructing objects, structures, furniture, utility devices, also in historical terms
K_W07 - knows publications related to the development of artistic disciplines as well as construction and building issues
K_W08 - demonstrates knowledge of history, styles and trends in art, architecture as well as the creative traditions related to them in historical and social terms
K_W09 - knows how to rationally use materials, tools and technologies in the field of design arts and is aware of their future development possibilities
K_W10 - understands the legitimacy of using specific design techniques and technologies depending on the function of the object
K_W11 - knows the issues related to engineering technologies, processing of materials used in the field of fine arts
K_W12 - has the basic knowledge necessary to understand social, economics technical, financial, marketing and legal conditions of artistic and engineering activity
K_W13 - has the basic knowledge necessary to run a business and quality management
K_W14 - knows the ethical principles and laws related to artistic and engineering activities
K_W15 - identifies connections and dependencies between the designed objects and ergonomics and construction and operating conditions
K_W16 - knows the life cycle of architectural objects, spatial structures and functional forms
K_W17 - has a basic knowledge of the durability and strength of the materials used
K_W18 - knows grammatical structures and vocabulary enabling communication in the selected language, is able to take part in discussions on topics related to his own field of science, understands and creates related texts, has mastered new vocabulary in the field of art science, fine arts and design. Has basic knowledge of the culture and social norms of countries where a given foreign language is the mother tongue
K_U01 - in the design process, can independently and creatively shape and manage selected task, taking into account the assumed impact of the work
K_U02 - is able to make a critical analysis and evaluation of the artistic value and the functioning of the designed structure, device or space
K_U03 - uses the means of expression and artistic communication in a proper way
K_U04 - selects the appropriate forms of communication and tools of the artistic workshop for expressing the artistic and design concept
K_U05 - knows how to consciously use the selected technique and technology in the implementation of design work
K_U06 - applies the appropriate technological solutions and selects the appropriate structures and technical solutions
K_U07 - can use analytical, simulation and experimental methods to formulate and solve design tasks
K_U08 - can design a simple spatial layout, object or systemaccording to previously adopted design assumptions (functional and artistic)
K_U09 - can choose the right method, technique and material to create an artistic or utility form, spatial layout, facility or system
K_U10 - can independently identify and solve problems in the design process and implementation of projects
K_U11 - implements appropriate actions based on factors affecting the reception of designed spaces, depending on the design assumptions
K_U12 - when formulating and solving design tasks, the student notices their aspects and systemic and non-technical correlations
K_U13 - can make a critical analysis of the functioning of the designed spatial systems, objects, systems; evaluates cause and effect relationships in the solutions used
K_U14 - can identify and formulate a specification of simple engineering tasks of a practical nature in terms of design needs
K_U15 - can apply theoretical knowledge in the field of structural mechanics while designing
K_U16 - can assess, apply the right method and tools to solve basic construction tasks and practical design solutions
K_U17 - can work in the development of team design tasks and co-work with other professionals and industries
K_U18 - has the ability to recreate space and its elements in the form of perspective, axonometry and three-dimensional models
K_U19 - presents and documents the effects of project work in the form of electronic recording and is able to make a model or prototype of an object
K_U20 - plans and experimentally checks proposed design solutions on a mock-up, physical model or using a 3D computer simulation
K_U21 - can choose the right tools and techniques, including the visual message in solving engineering and artistic tasks
K_U22 - has mastered the workshop techniques necessary to implement their own artistic ideas, is able to develop them in the process of independent work
K_U23 - has gained experience in the implementation of their own artistic works, consciously defines and uses intuitive methods of searching for form in creative work
K_U24 - can make a preliminary economic analysis of their own design activities
K_U25 - prepares typical written works and short oral presentations in the field of history of interior design, design and art, using basic theoretical approaches, as well as various sources
K_U26 - has language competence at B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U27 - can behave appropriately when presenting their own achievements in public
K_U28 - prepares a written, graphic and multimedia presentation of own achievements
K_K01 - is aware and understands the need to expand knowledge and improve skills throughout his/her life
K_K02 - undertakes independent work, demonstrating skills in gathering, analysing and interpreting information, developing ideas and formulating critical arguments, as well as intrinsic motivation and ability to organise work
K_K03 - can think and act in an entrepreneurial way
K_K04 - effectively uses imagination, intuition, emotionality, creative and flexible thinking skills in solving design problems, quickly adapts to new conditions and circumstances, controls own behaviour, manages anxiety and stress, is able to perform in front of a public forum
K_K05 - has the ability to constructively criticize the actions of others, but also self-assessment, reflection on social, scientific and ethical aspects related to their own work
K_K06 - is able to assess the project activity, own and others, in social, scientific and ethical aspects
K_K07 - predicts the effects of decisions and actions in the field of individual and cooperative engineering activities, including the impact of these actions on the environment
K_K08 - has the ability to communicate effectively and live in society in particular
– teamwork in joint projects and activities,
– negotiating and organizing,
– integration with other people as part of various cultural projects,
– presenting tasks in an accessible form – using information technology
K_K09 - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of property protection of intellectual property and copyright