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Graphic Arts (ARG)

(in Polish: Grafika, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia)
First degree studies
full-time studies, 3 year, 180 ETCS points
Language: Polish
No description for the programme.

Qualification awarded:

(in Polish) licencjat

Access to further studies:

possiblity of applying for second degree studies, postgraduate studies

Professional status:

right to apply for qualifications related with the field of studies completed

Access requirements

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possess maturity certificate, positive result of the enrolment procedure

Teaching standards

educational standards in accordance with the directive of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, dated July 12, 2007 concerning the description of educational standards for particular study courses and education levels as well as procedures for establishment and the condiontions to be met by the university to conduct both interdisciplinary and conbined studies courses (Dz. U. No 164, item. 1166 incl. later amendments). The standards define general course requirements including the number of teaching hours, graduate`s profile, curricula for individual courses including subjects of general, core and specialist education as well as requirements and recommendations concerning internship.

Learning outcomes

Resolution No. 20/53/2012 of the Senate of Bialystok University of Technology of 28 June 2012 on determining learning outcomes for first cycle courses in the field of Graphic Arts at Bialystok University of Technology

Symbol - Learning outcomes for the field of study - Reference to learning outcomes for the area of study

knowledge of creating works of art
G1_W01 - have a basic knowledge of visual creations - A1_W10
G1_W02 - know and classify tools and technologies connected with creating works of art - A1_W10
G1¬_W03 - have the knowledge of means of visual expression - A1_W10
G1_W04 - perceive and differentiate between artistic techniques in the areas of related artistic disciplines - A1_W10
knowledge and understanding of context of plastic arts
G1_W05 - know the history and development of artistic disciplines connected with the area of graphic arts in their broad meaning - A1_W11
G1_W06 - know the publications on the development of artistic disciplines - A1_W11
G1_W07 - know the history of art and artistic styles, and classify artistic facts and events in relation to the present times - A1_W12
G1_W08 - perceive the diversity of creative traditions and give their context - A1_W12
G1_W09 - know the issues connected with the technologies used in design and artistic graphic arts - A1_W13
G1_W10 - are aware of the technological progress in graphic arts in their broad meaning - A1_W13
G1_W11 - are aware of the economic and legal issues and interdependencies connected with the functioning of fine artists in the society - A1_W14
G1_W12 - know the dependence between theory and practice in the area of graphic arts in their broad meaning - A1_W15
G1_W13 - are aware of the complexity of the creative process, from a concept to creating a work of art - A1_W15

artistic expression skills
G1_U01 - can create and implement their own artistic or design concepts and have the skills required to express them - A1_U14
skills of creating artistic works
G1_U02 - can purposefully use instruments of artistic or design techniques in selected areas of artistic activities - A1_U15
G1_U03 - have the ability to use the digital environment creatively - A1_U15
G1_U04 - can freely transform images and designs from the analogue environment to the digital one and vice versa - A1_U15
G1_U05 - have the basic skills concerning multimedia creations - A1_U15
G1_U06 - have the ability to present photographic images in the analogue and digital environments - A1_U15
G1_U07 - can purposefully apply the appropriate techniques while creating works of art or design projects - A1_U16
G1_U08 - can purposefully apply the appropriate technologies while creating works of art - A1_U16
G1_U09 - make and justify independent decisions related to designing and creating their own works of art - A1_U17
skills of working in teams
G1_U10 - can adhere to the principles of occupational safety and health as well as the rules of functioning in a workshop team - A1_U18
G1_U11 - are prepared to cooperate in groups, looking after and respecting the work environment, materials, equipment and tools in the workshop - A1_U18
artistic techniques
G1_U12 - have a wide range of techniques enabling them to implement their own artistic concepts - A1_U19
G1_U13 - have learned the effective method of improving their artistic techniques - A1_U20
artistic creation skills
G1_U14 - have experience at creating works of art and design projects - A1_U21
G1_U15 - have experience at determining many stylistically different concepts - A1_U21
G1_U16 - have experience at combining separate techniques from different artistic areas in a skilful way - A1_U21
G1_U17 - have experience at implementing artistic or design projects stemming from their own imagination and emotionality or their knowledge and understanding of the world - A1_U21
verbal skills
G1_U18 - have the ability to verbally present concepts and methods of their implementation - A1_U22
G1_U19 - have the ability to prepare standard written works and oral presentations - A1_U22
G1_U20 - have foreign language skills concerning the areas of art as well as artistic and design graphics - A1_U23
skills of giving public presentations
G1_U21 - know the forms of behaviour associated with presenting their own achievements in public - A1_U24

G1_K01 - are aware of and understand the need for learning and improving their skills - A1_K01
G1_K02 - independently opt for subjects of their works and show the ability to interpret the collected and analysed information - A1_K02
G1_K03 - independently opt for subjects of their works, showing internal motivation and skills in organising their work - A1_K02
psychological determinants
G1_K04 - are capable of using their imagination and emotionality in the creative process - A1_K03
G1_K05 - are capable of flexible thinking under new and changing circumstances - A1_K03
G1_K06 - are capable of controlling their behaviour and dealing with problems connected with public presentations - A1_K03
G1_K07 - have the ability to critically evaluate themselves and other people - A1_K04
G1_K08 - are capable of reflecting on the ethical and social factors affecting their work - A1_K04
social competence
G1_K09 - have the ability to effectively communicate and integrate with other people while engaging in cultural events and exhibitions - A1_K05
protection of industrial property and copyright
G1_K10 - know and understand the basic notions and principles pertaining to copyright and the protection of industrial property - A1_K06

Symbol - Learning outcomes for the area of study concerning art - Reference to learning outcomes for the field of study
knowledge of creating works of art
A1_W10 - have a basic knowledge of creating works of art connected with their field of study and their major; graduates also have the knowledge of the means of expression and artistic techniques related to artistic disciplines - G1_W01, G1_W02,
G1¬_W03, G1_W04
knowledge and understanding of context of plastic arts
A1_W11 - know and understand the basic lines of development in the history of the particular artistic disciplines, and know publications connected with these issues - G1_W05, G1_W06
A1_W12 - demonstrate the knowledge of the styles of art and the creative traditions connected with them - G1_W07, G1_W08
A1_W13 - have the knowledge of specific issues connected with technologies used in different artistic disciplines (in a holistic approach) and are aware of the technological development in their field of study and in their major - G1_W09, G1_W10
A1_W14 - have the knowledge of the financial, marketing, and legal aspects of performing the activities/profession of fine artists - G1_W11
A1_W15 - know the relations and dependencies between theoretical and practical issues concerning their field of study - G1_W12, G1_W13
artistic expression skills
A1_U14 - can create and implement their own artistic concepts; graduates have the skills required do express these concepts - G1_U01skills of creating works of art
A1_U15 - can purposefully use instruments of artistic techniques in selected areas of artistic activities - G1_U02, G1_U03, G1_U04, G1_U05, G1_U06
A1_U16 - can purposefully use appropriate techniques and technologies while creating works of art - G1_U07, G1_U08
A1_U17 - can make independent decisions related to designing and creating their own works of art - A1_U17, G1_U09
skills of working in teams
A1_U18 - are prepared to cooperate and work with other people while working in teams - G1_U10, G1_U11
artistic techniques
A1_U19 - have a wide range of techniques enabling them to implement their own artistic concepts - G1_U12
A1_U20 - have learned the effective method of improving their artistic techniques, enabling their constant development through independent work - G1_U13
artistic creation skills
A1_U21 - have experience at implementing their own artistic activities based on stylistically different concepts resulting from using their imagination, intuition, and emotionality in a free and independent way - G1_U14, G1_U15 G1_U16,G1_U17
verbal skills
A1_U22 - have the ability to prepare standard written works and oral presentations on detailed issues concerning different areas of plastic arts, applying the basic theoretical approaches and using different sources - G1_U18, G1_U19
A1_U23 - have foreign language skills concerning the areas of art and artistic disciplines appropriate for their field of study, pursuant to the requirements determined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the B2 level - G1_U20
skills of giving public presentations
A1_U24 - know the forms of behaviour associated with presenting their own achievements in public - G1_U21

A1_K01 - understand the need for life-long learning - G1_K01
A1_K02 - independently undertake individual work, showing the ability to collect, analyse, and interpret information as well as to develop ideas and to formulate critical arguments; graduates also show internal motivation and work organisation skills - G1_K02, G1_K03
psychological determinants
A1_K03 - are capable of effectively using their imagination, intuition, emotionality, and the ability to think and work creatively while solving problems; graduates can also effectively use their abilities to think flexibly and to adapt to new and changing circumstances, skills of controlling their own behaviour and preventing fears and stress situations, as well as meeting the requirements concerning public performances and presentations - G1_K04, G1_K05, G1_K06
A1_K04 - have the ability of self-evaluation, providing constructive criticism of other people's work; graduates also have the ability of reflecting on the social, scientific, and ethical aspects connected with their work - G1_K07, G1_K08
social competence
A1_K05 - have the ability to effectively communicate and participate in social life, in particular, to:work in teams while working on joint projects and activities, negotiate and organise, integrate with other people while engaging in various cultural events, present tasks in an understandable way, using information technology - G1_K09
protection of industrial property and copyright
A1_K06 - know and understand the basic notions and principles pertaining to the protection of industrial property and copyright - G1_K10

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk2.uci.pb.edu.pl