Winter Semester 2007/08
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Winter Semester 2018/19
Entrepreneurship ZNU01026
Course content:
Entrepreneurship - goals and methodology.
The kind of entrepreneurship, culture of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship and innovation.
Businessman's personality.
Entrepreneurship in theory of economy.
Planning process - starting a business.
Small and medium-sized sector firms.
Financing the entreprises.
Conditions of entrepreneurship development.
Risk (venture) and entrepreneurship.
Infrastructure and entrepreneurship.
Business in a global way (international)
Learning outcomes:
how to start a business
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
1. Student knows the various theories of entrepreneurship and he (she) can explain the difference between them.
2. Student knows the factors of development of entrepreneurship and can explain their meaning.
3. Student is able to explain the role of entrepreneurship in economic development.
4. Student knows the characteristics of the SME sector, the company classifies, explains their role in the economy.
5. Student knows the types of aid and instruments for the SME sector.
6. Student knows the procedures for starting a small business.
7. Student is able to estimate the economic indexes and selected to choose the form of taxation.
8. .Student is able to calculate the cost of labor (self-employment and labor costs of employees).
Assessment criteria
The effect of K1
3 - student defines the concepts of entrepreneurship and provides criteria for their definition, and defines basic theories of entrepreneurship.
4 - student describes the various aspects of the perception of entrepreneurship, gives examples, describes theories of entrepreneurship, discusses the differences between these theories, types of entrepreneurs
5 - student detailed discusses entrepreneurship in economic theory, discusses the differences between the views of different economists on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs.
The effect of K2
3 - student indicates factors for the development of entrepreneurship, categorizes them and defines their meaning
4 - student describes the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship, explains their meaning, gives examples.
5 - student describes in detail the factors of the development of entrepreneurship, discusses barriers to the development of entrepreneurship
The effect of K3
3 - student defines the role of entrepreneurship in the development of society and human personal development, lists the stages of development and innovation.
4 - student explains what is the role of entrepreneurship in economic development , discusses the stages of personal development, discusses the stages of innovation.
5 - He can explain the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic system, explains the role of innovation in the development of the economy, gives examples
The effect of K4
3 - student provides definitions of small and medium size business according to law, lists special features, lists the functions that these companies play in the economy.
4 - student describes companies from the SME sector, discusses their characteristics, describes the functions in the economy.
5 - student discusses various business criteria, gives examples.
The effect of K5
3 - student lists the types of instruments and kind of public support to small and medium size business, lists institutions that provide public support
4 - student knows the rules of public support for small and medium size business
5 - student is able to explain the role of public support in development of entrepreneurship
The effect of K6
3 - students prepare business plan - (team work) lists the steps of setting up a business
4 - discusses the concepts related to the business, discusses the stages of setting up a business
5 - student provides legal acts regulating the activity of the SME sector, answers questions
The effect of K7
3 - student is able to estimate the economic indexes and lists the form of taxation.
4 - student discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of taxation.
5 - student explains the relationship between economic indexes, can justify the choice of the form of taxation.
The effect of K8
3 - student defines the type of employment, is able to calculate the costs of labour (self-employment)
4 - student describes the type of employment, and is able to calculate the labour costs of employees.
5 - student answers questions related to labour costs.
3 - satisfactory result
4 - good result
5 - very good result
Fail (2) - The student does not achieve any of the requirements for the satisfactory result
If the student achieves the requirements for the satisfactory result and at least 50% of the good result, he (she)will achieve result at 3,5.
If the student achieves the requirements for the good result, and at least 50% of the very good result, he (she) will achieve result at 4,5
a) basic references:
Godlewska-Majkowska H. (red.): Przedsiębiorczość: jak założyć i prowadzić własną firmę.Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH, Warszawa 2009.
Piasecki B. (red.): Ekonomika i zarządzanie małą firmą. PWN, Warszawa 2001.
Drucker P.: Innowacja i przedsiębiorczość. Praktyka i zasady. PWE, Warszawa 1992.
b) supplementary references:
Engelhardt J. (red.): Współczesne przedsiębiorstwo. CeDeWu, Warszawa 2009.
Filipiak B., Ruszała J.: Instytucje otoczenia biznesu: rozwój, wsparcie, instrumenty. Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2009.
Kwiatkowski S.: Przedsiębiorczość intelektualna.PWN, Warszawa 2000.
Kwiatkowski S., Sadlak J.(ed.): Intellectual entrepreneurship trough higher education. Leon Koźmiński Akademy, Warsaw 2003.