Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2012/13
Communication in Management ZN04341
Course content: Interpersonal communication: caracteristics, goals and barriers in communication, conditions of succesfull communication.
Nonwerbal communication: their functions, roles, classification.
Active listening, empathy. Assertiveness and its role in sucsesfull communication. Communication in the group.
Autopresentation, tactics in autopresentation.
Propaganda, manipulation, persuasion and indoctrination.
Intercultural communication: barriers, cultural shock, cultural differences and behaviors in business.
Conflicts and solving metods. Mediation and negotiations - basic problems.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes: students knows basic metods of succesful communication and its importance in managerial work .
Assessment criteria
Assessment based on a written test, which consists in describing the three issues.
points earned rating
6 5 very good
5 4.5 good plus
4 4 good
3 3.5 Satisfactory Plus
2 3 sufficient
1 2 insufficient
a) basic references:
Gesteland R.R., Różnice kulturowe a zachowania w biznesie, WN PWN, Warszawa 2000.
Nęcki Z. Komunikacja międzyludzka, Wyd Antykwa, Kraków 2000.
Pease A., Mowa ciała: jak odczytać myśli innych ludzi z ich gestów, Wyd. Jedność, Kielce, 2001
b) supplementary references:
Leary M.R., Wywieranie wrażenia na innych: o sztuce autoprezentacji, Wyd. GWP, Gdańsk, 2005.
Luecke R., Komunikacja w biznesie, Wyd. MT Biznes, Konstancin Jeziorna 2004
Cialdini R., Wywieranie wpływu na ludzi, GWP, Gdańsk, 1999.