Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Digital Radio Links TS2B202206
Course content: The properties of radio channels, Fresnel zones, refraction; design of radio channels, attenuation and fadings in microwave radio links.
Structure, parameters and power balance of digital radio links, passive microwave relay stations. Ultra-wideband radio systems, UWB signals, modulation, structure of UWB transmitters and receivers. Receivers of mobile radiocommunication system. UMTS system.
Structure and parameters of TV satellite system, power balance of satellite system, standard C-MAC. Radio diffusion satellite systems. Digital TV system DVB, terrestrial interactive TV system.
Tendency of evolution of digital radio systems.
Learning outcomes:Ability analysis and design of radio channel, design of main digital transmit and receive devices. Ability of recognition of digital satellite systems.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. K.Siwiak, Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communication, Artech House, 1995.
2. Wesołowski K., Systemy radiokomunikacji ruchomej, WKŁ, Warszawa, 1998.
3. Hołubowicz W., Płociennik P., Rożański A., Systemy łączności bezprzewodowej, Wyd. EFP, Poznań, 1996;
4. Bem D.J., Radiodyfuzja satelitarna, WKŁ, Warszawa, 1990.
5. Kołakowski J., Cichocki J., UMTS: system telefonii komórkowej trzeciej generacji, WKŁ, Warszawa 2003.
b) supplementary references:
1. Zielinski B.: Bezprzewodowe sieci komputerowe, Wyd. Helion, Gliwice 2005.
2. Wojnar A., Systemy radiokomunikacji ruchomej lądowej, WKŁ, Warszawa, 1989.