Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Very High Frequency Techniques 1 TS1A400025
Course content:
Applications of microwaves. Basic equations of electrodynamics.
Electromagnetic waves in transmission lines (coaxial lines, striplines, microstrips) and in waveguides (the parallel-plate, rectangular, circular, and other cross-section waveguides). TEM, TE and TM modes. Definitions of current, voltage, characteristic impedance.
The Smith chart. Impedance matching (narrowband and broadband).
Multiport circuits. The scattering matrix.
Passive microwave elements: reactance irises, matched loads, stub tuners, attenuators, phase shifters, power dividers, hybrid junctions, directional couplers.
Resonators. Ferrite devices. MEMS. Semiconductor devices. Millimeter waves.
Basic measurements of the wave length, frequency, microwave power, scattering parameters. Network analyzers.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge concerning basic theory of high frequency components, devices, methods of analysis, measurement techniques.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. R. E. Collin: Foundations for Microwave Engineering, IEEE Press, 2001.
2. I. Hickman: Practical Radio Frequency Handbook, Newnes, 2002.
3. C. Bowick: RF Circuit Design, Newnes, 1982.
b) supplementary references:
1. J. F. White: High Frequency Techniques - An Introduction to RF and Microwave Engineering, Wiley-Interscience, 2004.
2. R. S. Elliott: An Introduction to Guided Waves and Microwave Circuits, Prentice-Hall, 1998.
3. IEEE Microwave Magazine.
4. K. Aniserowicz: Lecture notes.