Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Introduction to Multimedia Systems TS1A200011
Course content: the course introduces to different aspects of processing of multimedia data. Such topics will be discussed: selected algorithms of signs compression (Huffman algorithm, the arithmetic algorithm, the dictionary algorithm), selected algorithms of image compression (GIF, PNG, JPEG, JPEG-2000), selected algorithms of video and audio compression (MPEG family algorithms), elements of computer graphics and animation. Some information about multimedia services, interactive services via mobile terminals, elements of digital broadcasting will be also presented.
Learning outcomes: a student gets basic knowledge about contemporary multimedia data processing algorithms.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Skarbek W.: Multimedia, Algorytmy i standardy kompresji,Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza PLJ, Warszawa 1998.
2. Drozdek A.: Wprowadzenie do kompresji danych, WNT, Warszawa 1999.
3. Simmonds A.: Wprowadzenie do transmisji danych, WKŁ, Warszawa 1999.
4. Wesołowski K.: Podstawy cyfrowych systemów telekomunikacyjnych, WKŁ, Warszawa 2003.
5. Sayood K.: Kompresja Danych wprowadzenie, RM, Warszawa, 2002.
6. Steinmetz, R. and Nahrstedt, K.: Multimedia Fundamentals: Volume 1, Prentice Hall, 2002.
b) supplementary references:
1. Internet,
2. Selected scientific articles.