Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2014/15
Winter Semester 2015/16
Winter Semester 2016/17
Winter Semester 2017/18
Winter Semester 2019/20
Winter Semester 2020/21
Winter Semester 2021/22
Winter Semester 2022/23
Winter Semester 2023/24
Winter Semester 2024/25
Health Education and Health Promotion TS03328
Course content:Health in medicine. The definition of health. Models and measures of health. Health promotion: definition, types and aspects of its implementation. Objectives, principles and methods of health promotion The contemporary health promotion strategies. Determinants of health and care of your health. The importance of basic nutrients in proper human development. Beneficial and detrimental effects of physical activity for health. Health aspects of tourism and recreation. Impact of work environment and on human health. The environmental diseases - the importance of environmental pollution in the development of certain diseases. Environmental determinants of health. Psychosocial aspects of health.
Learning outcomes:the interest of students in health
(in Polish) E-learning
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2009Z: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: | Term 2014Z: | Term 2022Z: | Term 2015Z: | Term 2021Z: | Term 2016Z: | Term 2012Z: | Term 2019Z: | Term 2013Z: | Term 2010Z: | Term 2011Z: | Term 2020Z: |
a) podstawowa:
1. Karski J. :Praktyka i teoria promocji zdrowia. CeDeWu, Warszawa 2011. 2. Steven N. Blair: Exercise is medicine. A quick guide to exercise prescription.TechnoGym,2011 . 3. Toczek –Werner S.: Podstawy rekreacji i turystyki. AWF. Wrocław 2005 . 4. Lipowski M.: Rekreacja ruchowa kobiet. Motywy zachowań prozdrowotnych. Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Gdańsku, Gdańsk 2005. 5.Woynarowska Barbara. Edukacja zdrowotna. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN wydanie 2008.
b) uzupełniająca:
1. Kwiecińska M.(red.): Bezpośrednie funkcje rekreacji. ALMAMER. Warszawa 2006. 2. Kuński H.: Trening zdrowotny osób dorosłych. Medsport Press, Warszawa 2002. 3.Birch K., McLaren D., George K.: Krótkie wykłady – Fizjologia Sportu.
Wyd. Naukowe PWN SA. Warszawa 2008.
4.Słońska Z. Misiuna M.(1994). Promocja zdrowia. Słownik podstawowych terminów. Warszawa: Promo-Lider.