Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Social Communication TN06085
Course content:
Interpersonal communication: caracteristics, goals and barriers in communication, conditions of succesfull communication.
Nonwerbal communication: their functions, roles, classification.
Active listening, empathy. Assertiveness and its role in sucsesfull communication. Communication in the group.
Autopresentation, tactics in autopresentation.
Propaganda, manipulation, persuasion and indoctrination.
Intercultural communication: barriers, cultural shock, cultural differences and behaviors in business.
Conflicts and solving metods. Mediation and negotiations - basic problems.
Learning outcomes: students knows basic metods of succesful communication and its importance in managerial work .
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Student knows metods of succesful communication and importance of communication in work. He knows rules of efficient communication. He use in practis "bridges" of communication. He developes in practic his communication skills.
Assessment criteria
The basis of assesment is the average of the presentation and a written test. Assessment is to describe three issues. For every question you can get a maximum of 2 points. In test, you can receive up to 6 points.
points earned rating
6 5 very good
5 4.5 good plus
4 4 good
3 3.5 Satisfactory Plus
2 3 sufficient
1 2 insufficient
1.Sikorski W., Niewerbalna komunikacja interpersonalna : doskonalenie przez trening , Wyd. Difin, Warszawa 2012
2. Dolna H., Doskonalenie kompetencji interpersonalnych : materiały do ćwiczeń, Wyd. Naukowe Uniwersytetu w Toruniu, Toruń, 2010.
3.Komunikacja i prezentacje według Johna Adaira, red. Neila Thomasa, Oficyna Volter Kluver, Kraków 2009
4. Cichobłaziński L., Techniki negocjacji i mediacji, Wyd. Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa 2008.
5. Fisher R., Emocje w negocjacjach, Wyd. J. Santorski &CO, Warszawa 2009