Winter Semester 2012/13
Winter Semester 2015/16
Economic problems and social modern world PS05511
1. The problem of civilization (the clash of civilization versus multiculturalism)
a) the concept of contemporary culture within the context of multiculturalism
b) the issue of increasing globalization
c) the characteristics of modern civilization
d) factors of international economic relations, social and po
2. The issue of food (, dimensions of poverty and hunger, international organizations - FAO)
a) statistics (official UN statistics)
b) hunger and poverty in the world
c) the characteristics of international organizations fighting poverty and hunger in the world - FAO
d) the essence of Fair Trade (issues of international trade, the concept and objectives)
e) the objectives of the UN Milenij
3. The issue of social pathology:
a) alcoholism,
b) drugs,
c) prostitution,
d) pedophilia,
e) incest,
f) bullying,
g) Common crime,
h) crime stadium,
i) domestic violence.
4. Issues related to xenophobia, nationalism, fascism
5. International environmental problems (selected issues)
6. The issue of organized crime and trafficking in human beings (outline of issues)
7. Contemporary ethnic conflict, national, political (election)
a) the Israeli - Palestinian
b) the conflict in Afghanistan
c) conflicts in the former Yugoslavia
d) conflicts on other continents (Asia, South America, Africa - your choice).
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
knowledge: to acquaint students with the basic problems of civilization on competition of a vertical and horizontal in international relations. Presentation and recognition of contemporary economic and social issues affecting people in some parts of the world, paying particular attention to issues of terrorism, organized crime and human trafficking. In addition, gathering basic knowledge on selected topics in the field of social pathologies.
skills: skills training and assessment comparison of the main problems of the world (civilization, food: with particular emphasis on poverty and hunger), social, economic, economic, energy and conflicts as ethnic-national Student presents the role of the state and its institutions in the area of combating threats of civilization , food, energy, social and national security and international law.
social competence: education skills of diagnosis and analysis of contemporary economic and social problems in the world and assess the possibility of reducing the risks mentioned above, both in terms of individual and institutional.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written on the assessment in the form of multiple choice test with an extensive cafeteria
Maximum number of points: 10 points
1. 10 - 9.5 points - b.db (5,0)
2. 8, 5 - 8.0 - + db (4,5)
3. 7.5 - 7.0 - db (4,0)
4. 6.5 - 6.0 - dst +(3,5)
5. 5.5 - 5.0 - dst (3,0)
6. 5.0 - 0.0 - ndst (2,0)
Exercise - prepare a written paper (or a multimedia presentation) and present it to the group. To be accompanied by an outline of the paper have an introduction, middle and an end, and conclusions, and a brief summary in a foreign language (English, Russian, German - to choose from). Work should be done in a team (the number of people with the team 2-5). Each person involved in the preparation of outline and presents it to the group.
Subject to assessment: oral presentation delivered in accordance with the principles of correctness of the Polish language and in accordance with generally and currently valid knowledge, which is a logical entity instance.
An extended outline will be reviewed and signed by the teacher and subject to archiving.
Basic references:.
1. I. Pospiszyl, Patologie społeczne, Warszawa 2012
2. B. Hołyst, Terroryzm, Warszawa 2012
3. S. K. Wiąckowski, Wybrane problemy ekologii i ochrony środowiska, 2003
4. M. Hill, Polityka społeczna we współczesnym świecie:analiza porównawcza, 2010
5. R. Orłowska, K. Żołądkiewicz (red:), Globalizacja i regionalizacja w gospodarce światowej,2012
1. M. Pietraś (red:), Późnowestfalski ład międzynarodowy, 2008.
2. M. Piertaś (red:), Międzynarodowe stosunki polityczne, 2006.
3. M. Yaziji, Organizacje pozarządowe a korporacje, 2011
4. M. Lavalette, Polityka społeczna: teoria, pojęcie, problemy, 2001
5. E. Trula-Mazur, Problemy bezpieczeństwa współczesnego świata, 2009
6. W. Godlewska- Lipowa, Problemy współczesnej cywilizacji i ekologii, 2007
7. S. Jankowski, Wybrane problemy polityki społeczno-gospodarczej, 2007