Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Integrated Management Systems PI_SO1105
Course content:
1. Introduction to Integrated Management Systems (IMS). Types of information systems.
2. Architecture of Integrated Management Systems. ICT in the construction of IMS.
3. BackOffice basic processes. MRP and ERP systems.
4. Production process. Supply Chain Management (SCM).
5. The logistics management. Life Time Management (PLM).
6. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Customer Experience Management (CEM)
7. Quality management (ISO, TQM, Six Sigma).
8. Tools and Business Intelligence systems.
Learning outcomes:
Understanding the importance and role of integrated management systems in business. Knowing the different areas of the enterprise information system and possibilities for their computerization. Understanding the scope of the "back office" and the complexity of production management systems, MRP / ERP systems in relation to supporting the implementation of services.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Januszewski A., The functionality of management information systems. T. 1 and 2, OWN, 2008
2. Przemysław Lech, Integrated Management Systems ERP / ERP II, Difin, 2003
3. Durlik I.: Engineering Management. Strategy and Design of Production Systems, Part I and II, placet Publishing Agency, 1996
4. Wroblewski KJ, Fundamentals of Control Flow Manufacturing, WNT, 1993
5. Adamczewski P., integrated information systems in practice, Mikom, 2003
b) supplementary references:
1. Philip Kotler, Marketing (Marketing Management), Rebis Publishing House, 2005
2. Chaberek M., Model of logistic support to the organization. Process modeling and logistics systems, Publisher University of Gdansk, 2001
3. Zbichorski Z., graphical methods in the management and organization of production, Wiley-Technniczne, 1997
4. Fundamentals of Accounting, edited by Kazimiera Winiarska, Publisher Wolters Kluwer, ed. May, 2009