Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
A Natural Sciences Course or A Socio-Economic Course PG6101
Course content:General problems of aesthetics, its methods and the most important trends, issues of aesthetics in everyday terms: nature, cultural environment, the founder and artistic creativity, the issue of works of art, its customers and the aesthetic experience and the aesthetic valuation, aesthetics Archaic period with particular emphasis on aesthetic views of the Greeks (Homer, Hesiod) classical aesthetics (literature and art, the Pythagoreans, Democritus, the Sophists and Socrates, Plato and Aristotle's aesthetics), the aesthetics of the Middle Ages in the meeting of East and West, modern aesthetics - from 1400 to 1700 (the theory of art renaissance, humanism, aesthetics of the Baroque , the aesthetics of eighteenth-century France and Italy).
Learning outcomes:
Using the basic concepts of aesthetics, knowledge of the basic directions in aesthetics, understanding of the creative process, aesthetic values and functions of the author and recipient of the work.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2012L: | Term 2011L: | Term 2010L: | Term 2009L: | Term 2013L: |
a) basic references: W. Tatarkiewicz, Historia estetyki, I-III; GOŁASZEWSKA M., Zarys estetyki, Warszawa 1984; K. Wilkoszewska (red.), Estetyki filozoficzne XX wieku, Kraków, 2000; A.B., Stępień , Propedeutyka estetyki, TN KUL Lublin 19751, 1986.
b) supplementary references: R. Ingarden, Studia z estetyki, I-III, Warszawa 1957-1970; W. Stróżewski , Wokół piękna. Szkice z estetyki, Kraków 2002; H. G. Gadamer, Aktualność piękna. Sztuka jako gra, symbol i święto, Warszawa 1993.