Summer Semester 2009/10
Technologies of Manufacturing MBMN04024
Course content: design and manufacturing process, characteristics of construction materials, foundry engineering, weld technologies, cutting technologies, plastic treatment, machining and machine tools, surface engineering, erosion engineering, processing industry of technical plastics.
Learning outcomes: general knowledge about basic, industry manufacturing mathods of metal, composite and plastic parts.Additionally working knowledge about machine tools,plastic working machines, injection moulding press.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
[1] Dretkiewicz-Więch J.: Mechanical technology. Technologies of Manufacturing.(in polish), WSiP, Warszawa, 2000.
[2] Żebrowska-Łucyk S.:Technologies of Manufacturing. Machining, abrasive and erosion working, (in polish), Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2004
b) supplementary references:
[1] Górecki A.: General Technology. Basics of mechanical technology (in polish), WSiP,Warszawa 1998.
[2] Mac S.: Metal processing with Material Science. WSiP, Warszawa 1984
[3] Kucharczyk W., Żurowski W.: Processing of plastics for mechanical engineers (in polish), Radom, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Radomskiej, 2005.
[4] Erbel S., Kuczyński K., Marciniak Z.: Plastic Working (in polish) Warszawa: PWN 1986.
5] Wasiunyk P.: The theory of forging and press (in polish). Warszawa: WNT 1991.
[6] Szweycer M., Nadolska D.: Metallurgy and Foundry (in polish). Poznań: Wyd. Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2002