Summer Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Winter Semester 2014/15
Probability MAT2106
Course content:combinatorics, axioms of probability theory, probability space, classical definition of probability, conditional probability, Bayes formula, some schemes in probability (Bernoullie, Poisson, Pascal, Polya), one dimensional distributions and their parameters, normal distribution, mixed and truncated distribution, two-dimensional distribution, compositions of distributions, normal distribution on the plane, characteristic functions, central limits theorems, great number laws.
Learning outcomes:calculating probability and parameters of distributions, analysis of experyments, particularly Bernoullie type, understanding and interpretation of limits and central limits theorems
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1.Grinstead, Charles Miller; James Laurie Snell. "Introduction". Introduction to Probability. pp. vii.
2. S.R.S. Varadhan, Probability theory,
b) supplementary references: