Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Moving Object Navigation MARS16007A
Course content:
Basic terms in navigation. Local and global navigation. Overview of coordinates systems, geographical position, the Earth geoid and magnetic field. Space orientation and its describtions: Euler angles, directional cosines, quterions. Projections forms, surrindings representation methods and navigational maps. Direction in navigation, terms and corrections. Inertial navigation and its algorithms. Measuring systems used in navigation of moving objects. Relative location and location with enviroment map. Path planning: visibility graph method, Voronoi diagrams, potential fields method. Loacl navigation - bug algorithms and vector field histogram method (VFH).
Modelling selected navigation algorithms in MATLAB, SIMULINK software.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to create navigation system for various robots by themselves. Student should know fundamentals definisions in theory of navigation of moving objects.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - final exam. Laboratory - resultant mark of all exercise reports and final test.
a) basic references:
1.Ciesielski P., Sawoniewicz J., Szmigielski A. (2004), Elementy robotyki mobilnej, Wydawnictwo PJWSTK, Warszawa,
2.Narkiewicz J. (1999), Podstawy układów nawigacyjnych, WKŁ, Warszawa,
3.Narkiewicz J. (2003), GPS - Globalny system pozycyjny: budowa, działanie, zastosowanie, WKŁ, Warszawa.
b) supplementary references:
1.Gosiewski Z., Ortyl A. (1999), Algorytmy bezkardanowego systemu orientacji i położenia obiektu
o ruchu przestrzennym, Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Lotnictwa, Warszawa,
2.Tochoń K. red. (2008), Problemy robotyki, T1 i T2, OWPW, Warszawa.