Winter Semester 2019/20
Object Oriented Programming IS-FME-00151
Principles of object-oriented programming. General structure of a C++ program. Analysis of the problem domain, object-oriented design and object-oriented programming. The concept of class and object. Components and methods. Static variables. Static class members, friend functions and classes, nested classes. Creating objects (construction, removal, lifetime) in C ++. Constructors and destructors. Encapsulation components: access control. Stream input and output operators (<< and >>), including the way of defining them for a given class and stream type. Overloading methods and operators. Inheritance: decomposition problem on a hierarchy of classes. Polymorphism. Abstract classes. Virtual methods. Multiple inheritance. Operation of special situations: C++ exception handling mechanism. Standard C++ library and its application to dynamic data structures (e.g. vectors, lists).
Introduction to Computer Programming