Summer Semester 2019/20
Antennas and propagation (MASTER) IS-FEE-20006
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with radiation, transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves, with particular emphasis on the different antenna designs and applications of antennas in wireless communication systems. Training skills for using of software for computer-aided analysis and design of consumer antennas, taking graphical environment 4NEC2 as an example.
Classification and properties of antennas. Basics of radiation theory. Radiation pattern, antenna parameters. Range equation. Electromagnetic field radiated by elementary antennas: Hertz dipole and magnetic dipole. Radiation field of a symmetric thin-wire antenna. Features of a short dipole. Antennas over a ground plane. Feeding of wire antennas, impedance matching, baluns. Antenna arrays, phased arrays. Wire reflectors and directors, Yagi-Uda antennas. Travelling-wave antennas. Frequency-independent and log-periodic antennas. Aperture antennas. Radiation patterns of nonuniform feeded arrays and aperture antennas. Horn antennas, parabolic-reflector antennas, lens antennas. Radiation from microstrips and slots. Antennas in consumer appliances. Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the Earth’s atmosphere, urban and country areas. Wave propagation in different frequency bands.
High frequency techniques or equivalent