Summer Semester 2019/20
Project in IT networks IS-FEE-10042
Acquiring skills in creating and presenting projects of telecommunication and computer networks.
Students prepare individual projects of the network structure for assumed enterprises (usually with a few departments). In typical case the prepared project includes a selected components like telephone network, computer network with security solutions, dedicated power supply network and some specific components like alarm signaling network or internal television system (CCTV). The finished project should include analysis of demands, suggestion of solutions, diagrams of network structure and cost calculation (capex and opex). The project can also include other parts, specific for particular application (e.g. analysis of legal aspects of using radio devices). The prepared projects are presented and discussed during classes.
Students should have basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, electrical physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer science. The general requirement is that student has studied engineering for at least 2 years. In some cases prerequisites are defined.