Winter Semester 2019/20
Summer Semester 2019/20
Field programmable gate arrays IS-FEE-10031
The target of this course is to introduce the students to the structural design of FPGAs in the way, which is appropriate for both programmers and hardware engineers.
CAD software for designing FPGAs. Altera Quartus II software. Xilinx ISE software. Design flow of FPGAs. VHDL: fundamental units, library declarations, entity, architecture. Concurrent code. Sequential code. State machines. Packages and components. Functions and procedures. IEEE standard packages. Techniques description of the project, simulation, implementation and programming of FPGAs. Constructing a digital circuit using FPGAs. Synthesis of complex hierarchical designs. Synthesis of digital systems using standard prototype modules.
Students should have basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, electrical physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer science. The general requirement is that student has studied engineering for at least 2 years. In some cases prerequisites are defined.