Summer Semester 2019/20
Control of electrical drives 2 IS-FEE-10025
Transfer of knowledge about the aims of control and the features of typical automatically controlled electrical drives with permanent magnets synchronous motor, brushless DC motor, stepping motor and asynchronous motor. Acquainting students with design of the current control loop, the torque control loop, the speed control loop and position control loop. Acquiring experience by students in the configuration, maintenance and operation of automatically controlled electrical drives.
Overview of automatic control system. Current, speed and position sensors (current transducers, enkoders, resolvers, etc.). The mathematical models of electrical motors and power converters. The structure and the synthesis of closed loop drive systems. Servo drive systems. Control of DC motors in the field-weakening region. The control methods of induction motors and synchronous motors. Scalar and Field Oriented Control (FOC) of AC machines. Control methods of stepping motor. The scalar and the field-oriented control method. Experimental exercises with automatically controlled electrical drives. Examples of the use of microprocessor control systems in electric drives.
Students should have basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, electrical physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer science. The general requirement is that student has studied engineering for at least 2 years. In some cases prerequisites are defined.