Winter Semester 2019/20
Electronics 1 IS-FEE-10006
Description of the assumed knowledge, skills and social competence the student should have acquired after the completion of the module:
a) to provide students with basic knowledge of electronic devices;
b) to develop skills in analysis, design and testing of electronic circuits containing diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers.
Diodes - parameters, I-V characteristics, DC and AC models. Simple circuits containing diodes. Transistors (BJT, FET and MOSFET) - principles of operation, I-V characteristics, equivalent circuits. Transistor biasing. Single stage transistor amplifiers. Small signal analysis of amplifiers. Transistor as a switch. Parameters of operational amplifiers. Ideal OpAmp. Basic applications of operational amplifiers. Analysis and design of electronic devices and circuits using PSPICE.
linear circuit analysis (Thevenin's theorem, superposition, loop and nodal analysis)
Students should have basic knowledge in the field of mathematics, electrical physics, circuit theory, digital and analog electronics, fundamentals of computer science. The general requirement is that student has studied engineering for at least 2 years. In some cases prerequisites are defined.