Winter Semester 2019/20
Renewable Energy Sources IS-FCEE-00105
Subject Description: The course of Renewable Energy Sources will undertake to introduce basic aspects of renewable energy sourcespresenting fundamentalcharacteristics of the resource base and principles of relatedtechnical systems (photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric power, generation, etc.). An economic andenvironmental analysis of supply technologies is undertaken.Student is able to know aboutmain sources of energy,renewable energy resources and selected solutions to the supply and environmental issues associated with renewable energy resources.
Range of lectures:
alternative and renewable energy - classification and characteristics, using of wind energy, using of surface waters, using of geothermal energy (among others as low sources of energy to heat pump systems) solar radiation and how to use it, - passive systems - solar architecture, - active systems - systems with solar collectors, installation of photovoltaic cells, types of heat pumps and the principle of their operation, methods of low-energy environment, types and uses of biomass.