Summer Semester 2009/10
Virtual Reality (elective) I36017I
Course content:
Introduction to virtual reality (VR), history, applications, architecture/components of the VR systems.
Basics of the vector graphics, 3D graphics modeling.
3D graphics rendering, lighting, shading, texturing (i.e. OpenGL pipeline).
Visualization of the 3D virtual worlds, terrain and water rendering techniques, atmospheric effects.
Basics of the 3D animation.
Virtual reality programming in on-line applications; computer networks architectures.
Survey of the virtual reality modeling languages, VRML, Web3D (X3D).
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Foley et al.: Computer Graphics
OpenGL Reference Manual
OpenGL Programming Guide
b) supplementary references:
G.C. Burdea & P. Coiffet. : Virtual Reality Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003
Bowman et al.: 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice
Allen Sherrod: Game Graphics Programming
Brutzman, Daly: X3D: Extensible 3D Graphics for Web
H. Nguyen (Ed.): GPU Gems 3, Addison Wesley, 2007