Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2015/16
Legal conditioning of the spatial development GS6042
Programme contents: lecture: legal Conditioning of the town-and-country planning. Of town-and-country planning on the domestic rung, region, district. The strategic evaluation and the forecast of the influence on the environment of planning studies. Planning disability pension, compensations. Management of real estates. Geodetic and cartographic law ". Organs of the architectural-building civil service and the building supervision, the scope of competence and an interrelationships. Location of investment of the public purpose.
exercises: the Act on the planning and the spatial planning, and other acts of the entitlement needed at drawing planning documentation up. Study ekofizjograficzne. Scope of the School of conditioning. Conclusions and decisions in the inwestycyjnym.Warunki process of using waters. Operat and the water-legislative permit.
Effects of the education: getting to know basic acts of the entitlement at sporzadzaniu of documentation in the town-and-country planning.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student is able:
1. To define the scope of legal problems.
2. To formulate the track of solving legal problems;
3. To draw documentation up according to principles of the law.
4. To conduct administrative proceedings.
5. To perceive relations between planning solutions and conditions arising from the law being in effect.
Assessment criteria
The evaluation results from the ability:
1. to discuss main legal problems concerning spread area MPZP;
2. to determine the path of solving problems of the spread area with development plan;
3. to describe methods of solving appearing problems on the spread MPZP area;
4. to judge the legal state of objects and spread areas MPZP;
5. to assess the correctness of the conducted administrative procedure at planning works.
6. to prepare the description of conducting administrative proceedings on MPZP establishing.
Practical placement
they aren't required
a) podstawowa:1. Ustawa "Prawo ochrony środowiska.
Niewiadomski Z., Planowanie przestrzenne. Zarys systemu. Wyd. LexisNexis.2008.
Ustawy: o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, ustawa prawo budowlane, ustawa prawo wodne.
Rozporządzenia właściwych ministrów dotyczące realizowanego tematu zajęć.
b) uzupełniająca:Kisilowska H. (red); Nieruchomości. Zagadnienia prawne. Wyd. LexisNexis.2006.
Tekst omawianych na zajęciach ustaw.
Term 2012L:
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