Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2018/19
Winter Semester 2019/20
Social-cultural conditioning of the spatial development GS2121
Lectures 1. Culture of the space - storage elements and pojecia.
2. the history of the town-and-country planning as the word of the tradition and the development.
3. hierarchization of the planning, ciagłość of the idea, methods and the institution, social character of the process of planning.
4. social involvement in the management of the space.
5. the country space and her transformations, criteria of the evaluation of the town.
6. the influence of the way of managing the space on the economy, the environment and the social life.
7. values kulturowekrajobrazu in the management of the space.
8. cultural park of the development as the spatial form balanced.
9. evaluation of the cultural landscape.
10. thematic village - concept of protection of the value of the cultural landscape.
11. the identity resulting from the landscape and for her following by the local communities.
12. specificity of planning regulations in the landscape protection cultural in MPZP records. 13. Protection of the cultural legacy including cultures contemporary.
14. the quality of the life but the space.
15. test of the message.
Exercises 1. Guidelines of the design urbanistyczno-architektonicznego in the aspect of the compliance with the cultural identity and environmental conditioning.
2. material culture in regions of Poland.
3. morphogenetic types of settlements.
4. measures of the quality of developing.
5. the local identity and the image of the space.
6. principles of shaping the country building development.
7. test of the message.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2018L: | Term 2017L: | Term 2016L: | Term 2015L: | Term 2014L: |
Learning outcomes
The student exchanges and a Student describes social-cultural elements of shaping the space he determines and identifies social-cultural elements in the spatial planning is able to apply social-cultural elements in the evaluation of the state of the spatial planning he analyses and judges documentation gathered to the specific concerning purpose zagodpodarowania spatial on the level of the commune (final work of the student) shows their elimination main environmental threats resulting from the business activity of the man and ways
As part of the problem withdrawal he shows activity of the man main environmental threats coming from specific types, presents theoretical practicable environment-friendly solutions and their practical application in conflictual situations works in the group taking different roles on in it and makes independent decisions into the professional way prepares tasks in the responsible way entrusted, carrying own ideas and solutions
Assessment criteria
Test in theoretical issues (examination ranking the lecture), descriptive part of the final work, test.
Discussion connected with exercises, test describing the final work with using the multimedia presentation and gathered documents descriptive Part of the final work, test Observation of the work on classes Observation of the work on classes Observation of the work on classes, discussion associated with exercises
Practical placement
they aren't predicted
1.A.Karwińska, Gospodarka przestrzenna. Uwarunkowania społeczno-kulturowe, PWN, Warszawa 2008. 2.B.Jałowiecki, Społeczne wytwarzanie przestrzeni, Scholar, Warszawa 2010. 3.J.T. Królikowski, Jan Rylke, Społeczno-kulturowe podstawy gospodarowania przestrzenią, SGGW, Warszawa 2010.
4. B. Czarniecki, W.Siemiński, Kształtowanie bezpiecznej przestrzeni publicznej, Difin, Warszawa 2004. 5. The EcoEdge: urgent design challenges in building sustainable cities eds. Esther Ruth Charlesworth, Rob Adams, Abingdon, Oxon, New York 2011.