Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Climate of Developed Areas GN3017
Course content:
Town climate and microclimate. Basic climate processes. Sun radiation and its variation in atmosphere and on the Earth surface. Air circulation and wind. Air humidity. Air pollution. Typical properties of town climate. Radiation balance on developed areas. Heat balance of developer areas. Town heat island. Precipitations on town areas. Moisture balance on developed areas. Air pollution in towns. Bioclimatic conditions in towns. Aerodynamics of developed areas. Air flow through developed part of a town. Aeration of developed areas. Protected zones on developed areas.
Learning outcomes:Knowledge about processes of climate forming in towns and methods of town areas development regarding: securing insolation and aeration, wind and noise protection, justification of parameters of protected zones.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1.Lewińska J., Zgud K.,Baścik J., Wiatrak W.: Klimat obszarów zurbanizowanych. IGPiK Warszawa 1990
2. Fortini J.: Wpływ rzeźby terenu i zabudowy mieszkaniowej na kształtowanie ... IKŚ, Warszawa1985
3. Bac S., Rojek M.: Meteorologia i klimatologia. PWN. Warszawa, 1981
b) supplementary references:
4.Laskowski L.: Wybrane zagadnienia fizyki miasta. COIB Warszawa, 1980
5.Mikoś J. Budownictwo ekologiczne. WPŚ. Gliwice, 1996.