Winter Semester 2012/13
Environmental Protection in Spatial Development GB5036
Natural environment - the basic concepts. The environmental protection law in Poland. Biotic elements (levels of biological organization) and abiotic elements - concepts, structure and function. Protection of biotic and abiotic components of the natural environment with particular emphasis on environmental impact assessment of the planned investment in space management.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
(in Polish) Wymagania
(in Polish) Założenia (prorekwizyty)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
To familiarize students with the abiotic and biotic components of the natural environment in terms of their sustainable use in the management of geographical space. Learning methods for inventory and valuation of the natural environment and to assess the impact of the proposed project for the development of geographical space. Conducting education decision-making skills in the management of geographical space.
Assessment criteria
Lecture - written, the project - a description and discussion of the project, in the form of graphical attachments map
G. Dobrzański, B. Dobrzańska, D. Kiełczowski – Ochrona Środowiska. WEiŚ.1997.
B. Poskrobko, T.Poskrobko, K. Skiba – Ochrona Biosfery. PWE. 2007.
E. Symonides - Ochrona przyrody. WUW. 2008.
R. Andrzejewski, A. Weigle. Różnorodność biologiczna Polski. NFOŚ. 2003.
L. Starkel. Geografia Polski. Środowisko przyrodnicze. PWN. 1991.
S. Kozłowski. Gospodarka a środowisko przyrodnicze. PWN. 1991.
Ochrona Środowiska. Rocznik statystyczny. GUS 2009.
G. Łaska. Ochrona Środowiska. Stowarzyszenie Uroczysko. 2009.