Winter Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2013/14
Winter Semester 2014/15
Winter Semester 2015/16
Selected problems of the circuit theory EZ2C100001
Course content:
Analysis of nonlinear circuits in the transient and steady state.
Computation of transmittances based on block diagrams and Mason graphs.
Synthesis of passive two-pole circuits.
Trabsformation Z and its applications.
Analysis of the circuit sensitivity for changes of parameters,
Computer methods of the circuit analysis.
Learning outcomes:
1. compute nonlinear circuits in the transient and steady state, analyse the results and present them in a graphic form
2. apply block diagrams and Mason graphs to computation of transmittances, clasify two-pole circuits and assigns proper methods of their synthesis
3. analyse discrete systems by the use of Z-transformation, compute the circuit sensitivity for a change of parameters
4. individually plan the self-education process
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2014Z: | Term 2013Z: | Term 2015Z: | Term 2012Z: |
a) basic references:
1. Bolkowski S. Teoria obwodów elektrycznych. WNT Warszawa,2006
2. Bolkowski S.,Brociek W., Rawa H.: Teoria obwodów elektrycznych - zadania. WNT, Warszawa 2006
3. Szabatin J., Śliwa E.: Zbiór zadań z teorii obwodów. Oficyna Wyd. Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2008
b) supplementary references:
1. Boylestad R.L.: Introductory Circuit Analysis. Prentice Hall, New York 2006
2. Boylestad R.L., Nashelsky L.: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. Prentice Hall, New York, 2005