Winter Semester 2007/08
Winter Semester 2008/09
Winter Semester 2009/10
Winter Semester 2010/11
Winter Semester 2011/12
Information Technology ES1A100003
Course content:
- ethical and legal issues in computer technology;
- the word processors: advanced editing operations; layout,
- the spreadsheets: formulas and functions; formatting; graphs, scenario analysis,
- the data bases: tables; sorting, indexing,
- graphics presentation: structure, formats,
- remote access and remote services: library, search engines.
Learning outcomes:
A student has gained knowledge of:
- principles connected with form and processing of technical reports, graphs;
- structure of data bases;
- basic rules of safety and legal aspects in IT;
- design and prepare the correct presentation of the work.
A student has gained practical skills so he/she is able to:
- use advanced methods of text and graphic processing with word-processors;
- perform calculation and data analysis with spreadsheets;
- design presentation of technical problem;
- compose its own data bases to collect information;
- convert and exchange data to prepare common document.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Moran J., Hull V.: Brilliant ECDL. Pearson Education, 2005.
Patterson D.A.: Computer organization and design : the hardware/software interface. Elsevier, 2007.
Kopertowska M.: Przetwarzanie tekstów. Mikom, Warszawa, 2006.
Kopertowska M., Sikorski W.: Bazy danych - poziom zaawansowany. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2006.
b) supplementary references:
Publikacje zalecane przez PTI - Polskie Centrum ECDL.
Kopertowska M.: Arkusze kalkulacyjne. Mikom, Warszawa, 2006.
Kopertowska M.: Bazy danych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2006.
Wojciechowski A.: Usługi w sieciach informatycznych. Mikom, Warszawa, 2006.
Kopertowska M.: Grafika menedżerska i prezentacyjna. Mikom, Warszawa, 2004.