Winter Semester 2011/12
Electrical engineering 1 ENS1A100004
Course content: The basic features and parameters of electric and magnetic field. The fundamental concepts and components of electrical circuit. The method of DC circuits analysis.
Learning outcomes:
Student has a knowledge of the basic features and parameters of electric and magnetic fields. He can calculate currents, voltages and powers in branched electrical DC circuit. He evaluates results by different methods. He knows how to select and apply resistors and sources according the requirements.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
1. Bolkowski S.: Teoria obwodów elektrycznych. WNT, Warszawa 2008.
2. Osiowski J. Szabatin J.: Podstawy teorii obwodów. WNT, Warszawa 2003.
3. Bolkowski St.,Brociek W., Rawa H.: Teoria obwodów elektrycznych-zadania. WNT, Warszawa 2006.
4. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją J. Makala: Zadania z podstaw elektrotechniki. Wyd. PB, Białystok 2006;
5. Thomas R.E., Rosa A. J., Toussaint G.J.: The Analysis & Design of Linear Circuits. 6th ed, Wiley Inc. 2009;
b) supplementary references:
1. Bolkowski St.: Elektrotechnika. WSiP, Warszawa 2010;
2. Irvin J.D., Nelms R.M.: Basic Engineering Circuits Analysis. International Student Version. John Willey&Sons.Inc. 2008.