Summer Semester 2007/08
Summer Semester 2008/09
Summer Semester 2009/10
Summer Semester 2010/11
Summer Semester 2011/12
Summer Semester 2012/13
Summer Semester 2013/14
Summer Semester 2014/15
Summer Semester 2015/16
Summer Semester 2016/17
Summer Semester 2017/18
Summer Semester 2019/20
Water and Wastewater Technology D14702
Course content:Selection of technology and facilities due to type of water and its final destination. Removing of suspended solids, dissolved and colloidal substances. Methods, parameters and effectiveness of underground and surface water treatment. Mechanical water treatment- straining, sedimentation, flotation and filtration. Removing from water of organic and inorganic Fe and Mn. . High contaminated surface water treatment with classical and contact coagulation. Sorption process for organoleptic water quality improvement. Physical, thermal and chemical disinfections of water. Chemical water decarbonization and softening. Ion exchange water demineralization and softening. Deaeration, desiliconization and degassing of water. Examples of real scale potable and industrial water treatment plants.
Learning outcomes:Understanding of processes during water treatment plant operation. Skill in designing of technology and facilities in water supply and treatment.
(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Term 2010L: | Term 2013L: | Term 2017L: | Term 2009L: | Term 2012L: | Term 2019L: | Term 2015L: | Term 2016L: |
a) basic references:Kowal A., Świderska–Bróż M.: Oczyszczanie wody, PWN, Warszawa–Wrocław 2000.
Wierzbicki T.L.: Technologia wody i ścieków. Skrypt PB, Białystok 1998.
Nawrocki J., Biłozor J.,Uzdatnianie wody. Procesy chemiczne i biologiczne, PWN, Warszawa 2000.
b) supplementary references:Hermanowicz W. i in. Fizyczno-chemiczne badanie wody i ścieków, Warszawa 1999
Gajkowska-Stefańska L., Laboratoryjne badanie wody, ścieków i osadów ściekowych, Warszawa 1990.