Summer Semester 2023/24
(in Polish) Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych B2N221220
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(in Polish) Rodzaj przedmiotu
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
has extensive knowledge of the materials currently used in road
has extensive knowledge on developments in the field of production technology of road materials
know how to design, evaluate the functional properties and technical parameters of asphalt mixtures and mixtures of cement and mineral
able to plan, perform and critically interpret the results of studies leading to the evaluation of the quality of road materials
Assessment criteria
Written exam consists of 4 questions. Questions are rated by the teacher on a scale 2,0-3,0-3,5-4,0-4,5-5,0. Assessment is a necessary condition to obtain a minimum 3.0. Final assessment: 3.0 (from 12 to 13 points.), 3.5 (from 13.5 to 14.5 points.), 4.0 (from 15 to 16 points), 4.5 (from 16.5 to 18pkt.), 5.0 (from 18.5 to 20 points).
Assessment must pass without the use of materials and assistance, and without communicating with other people. Assessment takes about 60 minutes.
Laboratory Class:
The assessment of adequate (3.0), the student:
1 Can design composed of mineral aggregate asphalt mixes.
2 It can take a minimum design asphalt content asphalt mixes.
3 Place the properly design a series of test samples to optimize the amount of asphalt binder in asphalt mixtures. Able to perform basic laboratory tests for asphalt mixes and ingredients.
The assessment of good (4.0), the student:
4 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-3.
5 Can the grounds designed to provide the optimal composition of asphalt mixes.
6 It can perform additional testing asphalt mixes, such as determining the optimal content of stabilizers - Shellemberga study. Determine the optimal energy compaction in the gyratory press.
For a very good student (5.0):
7 Meets the requirements of paragraphs 1-6.
8 Can be tested modules IT-CY stiffness and ITS.
9 Place the properly interpret the results of studies carried out in mixtures of asphalt and technology incorporation knows MMA pavement construction. It is estimated, which should correspond to the parameters bituminous mixtures embedded in pavement construction for the results of laboratory tests (designed asphalt mix).
Ratings of 3.5 and 4.5 will get students who meet the appropriate requirements of the points 1-3 and 4-6 in a very good partial, or in addition meet the requirements of a higher level.
1. Piłat J., Radziszewski P.: "Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni asfaltowych”; WKiŁ, Warszawa, 2015.
2. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-1 – Kruszywa do mieszanek mineralno-asfaltowych i powierzchniowych utrwaleń na drogach krajowych", Warszawa, 2014, (
3. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury, IBDiM: "WT-2 - Nawierzchnie asfaltowe na drogach krajowych", Warszawa, 2014, (
4. Szydło A.: „Nawierzchnie drogowe z betonu cementowego”, Kraków 2004
5. Ciesielski Z.: "Nawierzchnie z kostki betonowej", Warszawa 2003r
1. Lay M.G.: The handbook of road technology, 2009.
2. WT-4 2010 – Mieszanki niezwiązane do dróg krajowych, (
3. WT-5 2010 – Mieszanki związane spoiwem hydraulicznym do dróg krajowych, (