Winter Semester 2010/11
The informative technology AX03025
Course content:the building of computer.Introduction to WINDOWS: configuration of system, tool programmes.The editor of text the Word:the principle of edition of text,formatting the text the,schedules, the mathematical equations the the, drawing objects,formatting the document the,using from hiding place, the function the OLE.Sheet spreadsheet EXCEL:folded the,functions built-in,calculation mathematical discussion of structure,creating the formulae the graphs, the graphic interpretation of calculations, the formatting the graphs.Internet. Final credit.
Learning outcomes:The student is introducted with basic information with range of building and the working of personal computers, operating systems and the usable software. The capture of skill service computer and the usable programmes (the system the operating Windows, editor of text, the spreadsheet sheet, base of data) as well as the skill of help the applications to prewiew of internet sides.
Course coordinators
a) basic references:
Tadusiewicz R.: Wstęp do informatyki. Kraków, POLDEX, 1997
Wróblewski P.: ABC komputera. Gliwice, HELION, 2000
Jachimek S.: Komputer PC dla każdego, Gliwice, HELION, 2000
b) supplementary references:
Korol M.: Excell 5 PL. Krok po kroku, WNT, 2005
Kaczor P.:Komputer od podstaw, MIKOM, Warszawa 2004